Published Work

Has the government met the public's priorities for the NHS? : a King's Fund briefing for the BBC 'Your NHS' day 2004.

Public Deposited
Place of publication
  • London
  • King's Fund
Publication date
  • 2004
  • iv, 27p.
  • This briefing provides a review of progress made since the BBC's 2002 'Your NHS' day on the five top priorities voted for by the public as the issues that mattered most in the NHS. These priorities were: free long-term care for older people; better pay for NHS staff; shorter waiting times for cancer and heart care; improved accident and emergency departments and cleaner hospitals. Overall, the research paints a largely positive picture with improvements in most areas. However, it is still too early to judge whether the extra resources the government has put into the NHS are delivering value for money and whether better health outcomes for more people will result. The research also illustrates sharp contrasts between approaches and outcomes across the four countries of the United Kingdom. [Introduction amended and abbreviated]
Official URL
Library catalogue link

