Published Work

Out of the maze : reaching and supporting Londoners with severe mental health problems

Public Deposited
  • 1857174690
Place of publication
  • London
  • King's Fund
Publication date
  • 2002
  • 94
  • 'Working Together in London', a three-year, £2 million programme, was set up by the King's Fund, the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health and the Department of Health to support people with severe and long-term mental health problems. New assertive outreach services were established in three of London's most deprived communities with the aim of promoting social inclusion and helping people who don't usually use services to find the right kind of treatment and care. Three pilot assertive outreach teams worked in partnership with other organisations, both within and outside the mental health field, to help their clients to find housing, education and training, a job and a social network. This publication examines the work of these teams, drawing out the key lessons for health and social care professionals, and offering practical guidance on how to put assertive outreach into practice. It also considers how mental health services could build on opportunities for broader change by being more closely involved in regeneration initiatives and with faith communities.
  • Pagination: x, 94p.
Resource type
Rights statement
Library catalogue link

