Published Work

Developing primary care in London : from 1990 to PCGs

Pubblico Deposited
  • 185717240X
Place of publication
  • London
  • King's Fund
Publication date
  • 1999
  • 66
  • King's Fund primary care series
  • The aim of this work is to support primary care groups (PCGs) in developing primary care in London. It is directed at all those involved in primary care development , including members of PCGs, trusts and health authorities. Primary care development is taken here to mean the constellation of ideas, activities and policies which better enable those working in primary care to achieve the aims of the service. This document suggests a five part framework comprising the following areas: practice development, service development, professional development, organisational development and strategic development. It discusses various definitions of primary care and of quality in primary care; some of the key features of London's population particularly relevant to primary care; characteristics of primary care in London; service development in primary care; the professional development of those working in primary care; organisational development in primary care; and strategic development in primary care. It draws conclusions and makes recommendations for early tasks for PCGs. Although PCGs are now at the centre of primary care development , this agenda operates at different levels - practice level, PCG level, supra-PCG level, and pan-London level. PCGs are not the only organisations supporting primary care development, but they are well placed to act as local development agencies, bringing together inputs from other parties , such as practices, community trusts, academic departments, local authorities and others.
  • Pagination: 66p.
Resource type
Rights statement
Library catalogue link

