Published Work

Building bridges : the future of GP education : developing partnerships with the service

Público Deposited
  • 1857172310
  • Snell, Janet
  • Wallace, Paul
  • Gillam, Steve
  • Eversley, John
Place of publication
  • London
  • King's Fund
Publication date
  • 1999
  • 116
  • King's Fund primary care series
  • General practice has moved dramatically over the last ten years to occupy a centre-stage position in the NHS. From 1999, GPs will be expected to juggle a new range of health care commissioning responsibilities while providing the best possible care to patients. The pressure is also on for GPs and their primary care colleagues to undertake effective programmes of continuing medical education and personal development as well as to provide educational opportunities to undergraduates and others. Yet while their education remains dominated by training in hospital medicine delivered by different institutions, many GPs are calling for radical changes to help them meet the new challenges of the NHS. This book reports on the findings of a unique educational initiative where a novel set of alliances were forged between individual GPs, local medical committees, educational groups in universities and health care managers (the London Education Service Partnership - LESP). Although the range of educational activities undertaken was enormous, the key to the programme's success was an alliance centred on the education-service partnership. It is alliances like these which the authors believe will help revolutionise the education and training of GPs in the future.
  • Pagination: x, 116p. + appendix
Resource type
Rights statement
Library catalogue link

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