Published Work

The carers compass : directions for improving support to carers

Public Deposited
Place of publication
  • London
  • King's Fund
Publication date
  • 1998
  • 8
  • The Carers Compass has been launched by Carers Impact to help health authorities, NHS trusts and primary care groups to become responsive to their needs. The Compass reflects the work being done by the 19 Carers Impact sites across the country. The Compass points to eight key things carers need from health services. These include full information about the services available, training on how to provide care and opportunities for a break. The Compass calls on health managers to take a holistic approach, in partnership with other agencies, to look at all needs of carers. The Compass recommends that all health staff be made aware of the role of carers to ensure that they are involved in decisions about the people for whom they care and that carers' own needs are recognised. It highlights that carers have a key role in the planning , development and monitoring of health services in their areas.
  • Pagination: 8p.
Resource type
Rights statement
Library catalogue link

