Published Work

Accreditation UK : an organisational audit programme for acute, community, learning disabilities and mental health services

Public Deposited
  • 1857171217
  • 2nd edition
Place of publication
  • London
  • King's Fund
Publication date
  • 1997
  • 4
  • The publication of this manual of organisational standards is a major milestone for King's Fund Organisational Audit (KFOA) in that it brings together standards for acute hospitals, and the newly developed standards for community, learning disabilities and mental health services. This reflects the changing nature of health care organisations and KFOA's ability to respond to these changes. It also acknowledges that all organisations delivering health care have much in common in terms of the organisational systems and processes that are required for the delivery of high quality services. The development of this manual also marks new ways of working for KFOA. The team have worked in partnership with the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, jointly developing many of the standards and piloting joint work utilising the QUARTZ materials. The team has also worked with users of mental health services during the development of standards, taking into account issues which they consider vital in delivering high quality health care. Other partnerships are starting as a result of this work. These standards provide those organisations delivering acute, community, learning disabilities and mental health services with a means to review practice and to stimulate development work. They provide an opportunity for staff to contribute to the development of the organisations in which they work in order to provide improved health care services; they can do this consistently over time, by assessing what they do, how they do it and how to do it better.
  • Pagination: 4 vols.
Resource type
Rights statement
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