Published Work

Hospital accreditation programme : organisational standards and criteria

Public Deposited
  • 3rd edition
Place of publication
  • London
  • King's Fund
Publication date
  • 1994
  • 1
Part name
  • Vol. 1
  • This is the third edition of the Organisational Audit manual. Since 1990 several individual sections of the manual have been revised in order to ensure that the standards remain at the forefront of good practice as well as to reflect the significant changes which have taken place in the organisational structure of hospitals. In order to ensure that these standards provide an objective framework within which hospitals can work and against which they can be measured a significant revision has occurred which this manual embodies. The standards have been reformatted to make clear the distinction between the criteria to be measured and the guidance which supports them. In time this guidance will be provided separately as well as further documentation to support surveyors and hospitals in their use of the manual. In addition and central to the process of revision weightings have been attributed to the standards upon which decisions concerning accreditation will be made. In this edition of the manual the following chapters are new or have been fully revised: accident and emergency services; chiropody services; dietetic services; estates management; health and safety; hospital based social work; infection control; medical physics and biomedical engineering services; medical services; midwifery services; nursing services; occupational health; occupational therapy services; orthoptic services; physiotherapy services; radiotherapy services; risk management; security services; speech and language therapy services; and telecommunications services.
  • Pagination: xvi, pp. 1-124 + appendix; This is part of a two volume looseleaf set kept in A4 ringbinder
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