Published Work

Submission by the King's Fund to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health : [comprising] the impact of the NHS reforms on health authorities and trusts, and, the impact of the NHS reforms on London

Public Deposited
Place of publication
  • London
  • King's Fund
Publication date
  • 1991
  • 20
  • The first part of this briefing looks at the implications of the NHS reforms in theory and in practice and presents the six lines of enquiry which might be pursued. The second section discusses the particular impact of the NHS reforms on London which has maintained a very significant number of acute hospitals in the centre of the capital despite a substantial decline in the population of the inner-city. The Appendix introduces the King's Fund London Initiative and briefly describes each of the 14 working papers.
  • Pagination: [20]p. + appendix; Contents: The impact of the NHS reforms on health authorities and trusts / by Chris Ham.- The impact of the NHS reforms on London / by Virginia Beardshaw. Appendix 1 : King's Fund London Initiative.
Resource type
Rights statement
Library catalogue link

