Published Work

Evaluating new hospital buildings : a report containing a review of the major hospital building evaluations so far carried out, an analysis of the methods used and recommendations for a future programme of studies related to the growing complexity of hospital planning and design problems.

Public Deposited
Place of publication
  • London
  • King Edward's Hospital Fund for London
Publication date
  • 1969
  • 76
  • This document sets out to do three things: to make a case for the importance of systematically evaluating a carefully chosen selection of new hospital buildings and their equipment; to review critically the evaluations that have already been carried out and to describe useful methods and techniques; and to suggest a programme of future work. This book is not dealing with the kind of highly technical evaluation of building materials and performance properly undertaken by other organisations. Rather, it is concerned with the study of the use and design of the physical environment to provide information that will be of direct use to future planners and designers. This kind of evaluation will reveal problems that can only be solved by technology, but it will do so from the standpoint of the use and efficiency of the building. What is discussed has more to do with managing, that is, policy, planning and operational principles than it has to do with building science. Basically, it is the quality of decision making about human problems that is in question, not the quantifiable characteristics of structure or materials.
  • Pagination: 76p.
Resource type
Rights statement
Library catalogue link

