The coalition government wants to encourage health care providers to consider employee ownership, and the development of mutuals, with the aim of creating ‘the largest and most vibrant social enterprise sector in the world’ (Department of Health 2010a, p 36). These plans are part of a broader programme of public ...
The King’s Fund was commissioned by Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust to work with their quality board to facilitate an assessment of its existing approaches to quality improvement and to develop a strategy for future work. This case study details the approach and philosophy behind this work, which involved working with ...
This paper encourages boards and other leaders to focus on staff engagement and suggests a number of questions boards can ask to assess their organisation’s level of staff engagement.
Clinically led approaches to planning and designing health services are more likely to be both innovative and effective. For this reason, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) were set up to put GPs at the heart of NHS planning decisions. What progress have CCGs made in implementing their clinically led model and ...
Based on interviews with eight of the 'first wave' integrated care systems, this report seeks to understand how they are developing and to identify lessons for local systems and national policy-makers.
This paper will review the evidence which supports the view that securing greater engagement of doctors in management, leadership and service improvement is critical to improving performance. It will also draw on examples of good practice nationally and internationally, as well as offering some frameworks for obtaining and securing greater ... and This paper was commissioned by The King’s Fund to inform its review of leadership in the NHS.
This paper will concentrate on medical leadership. The paper was commissioned to contribute to The King’s Fund’s 2012 review of leadership and engagement. It will therefore describe models of medical leadership and predominantly refer to the medical literature. Importantly, this paper’s focus on medical leadership is not intended to detract ... and This paper was commissioned by The King’s Fund to inform its review of leadership in the NHS.
It has long been recognised that engagement of employees with their work and organisation is a factor in their job performance, but the research evidence for this has been steadily increasing over recent years. In this article we summarise this evidence along with the theories underlying it,
paying special attention ... and This paper was commissioned by The King’s Fund to inform its review of leadership in the NHS.