Since the Labour government came to power in 1997, waiting lists have attracted unprecedented attention. For a time, the number of patients recorded as waiting for hospital treatment fell, but at the same time, numbers waiting more than 13 weeks for an outpatient appointment rose. This outcome had been anticipated ...
This second section of the report on surgical services in Herefordshire has three parts. Part A includes the authors' observations of practices in waiting list management and admissions policy which caused concern. Part B concerns practices in the operating theatres which were observed and which give cause for concern. Wherever ...
This document reports the work of the Hospital Personal Aid Service during 1959. The Service undertook visits, on behalf of hospitals, to elderly people awaiting admission to hospital whose medical condition did not warrant immediate admission to an acute ward.
This document reports the work of the Hospital Personal Aid Service during 1960. The Service undertakes to visit, on behalf of hospitals, elderly people awaiting admission to hospital whose medical condition does not warrant immediate admission to an acute ward although no patient is visited and no action is taken ...
This document reports the work of the Hospital Personal Aid Service during 1958. The Service undertook visits, on behalf of hospitals, to elderly people awaiting admission to hospital whose medical condition did not warrant immediate admission to an acute ward.
This document reports the work of the Hospital Personal Aid Service during 1955. The Service undertook visits, on behalf of hospitals, to elderly people awaiting admission to hospital whose medical condition did not warrant immediate admission to an acute ward.