The Children's Society Homeless Families Support Programme was established in Newham in 1996 'to increase access to (primary) health care and other related services for homeless families (especially refugees)' in the borough. It was created because existing services in Newham were concentrating on single homelessness, leaving homeless families without a ...
It is customary for the Fund's General Council to invite two speakers to talk about aspects of the Fund's work at its general meeting. On 6 June 1986, the first meeting to be held under the Presidency of HRH The Prince of Wales, the subject was the Fund itself. This ...
Living Options in Practice believes that it is essential for all those who plan and provide disability services to review their work regularly. Based on the experience of the eight Practice Teams, `Tracking Success' proposes a systematic approach to testing that the best possible services are being developed for people ...
The essence of successful management of day hospital care concerns relationships between the staff and patients and also communication between staff and patients' relatives. The report concentrates on the multidisciplinary approach to day hospitals and examines the roles of nurse, physiotherapist and occupational therapist in detail. Further discussion centres on ...
This is the first in a series of 17 papers which were prepared during the life of the Royal Commission on the National Health Service. The paper is an analysis of the evidence submitted to the Royal Commission on the NHS 1976-1979, demonstrating some of the problems and difficulties with ...
Among the activities supported by the King's Fund Centre for the International Year of Disabled People were a series of lunch-time talks on key questions which needed to be addressed if the aims of the year were to be realised. This collection reproduces the text of the talks detailed below: ...
This conference was organised by the London Strategic Policy Unit and held on 8 April 1987. Workers from health services, local authorities and voluntary bodies met to exchange ideas and compare experience of providing services for A.I.D.S. patients. A paper was presented by the director of supportive housing from the ...
These papers were written in an attempt to help people appointed to the comparatively new post of organiser of voluntary help in the hospital service, and are directed particularly to those with little or no experience of the hospital world. It is also hoped that all staff, particularly nurses and ...
The development of a network of services and support for people with A.I.D.S. is a challenge for voluntary agencies, for the NHS and for local authorities. There is a consensus that services should, as far as possible, be provided to enable people to be cared for in their own homes. ...
The Living Options In Practice project aims to help service planners and providers in statutory and voluntary agencies build effective and comprehensive services to meet the needs of people with severe physical and sensory disabilities. It has developed an outline of the elements that should be encompassed within a comprehensive ...
Through the leadership of a local voluntary agency, a consortium of voluntary and public sector organisations has achieved rapid growth in decent quality housing and support services, and promoted complementary daytime opportunities. This report is a brief narrative account of Southwark Consortium and first three years.