The War on Waiting for Hospital Treatment (Harrison and Appleby 2005) examined the government's record on reducing the number of people on waiting lists for elective care in England, and the time they had to wait. This briefing provides an update on that analysis. The waiting times targets currently in ...
This report describes environment and health in London using data that are publicly available. The authors have drawn on current international knowledge of the links between environment and health. The key points they make are that inner London is worse off than outer London, with higher unemployment, poorer housing, more ...
This report summarises the hospital activity analysis for two types of first-wave total purchasing pilots (TPPs), 'commissioner' TPPs and 'co-purchaser' TPPs. The main objective of the analysis was to compare changes in hospital activity, in the areas for which TPPs had objectives, with those of comparators. The authors conclude that: ...
This is the third edition of this publication which was published for the first time in 1994. This edition is structured in three parts. The first is a calendar of events in London's health care during 1995, followed by a commentary by the editor. The second section presents the relevant ...
This is the second edition of this publication which was published for the first time in 1994. This edition is structured in four parts. The first is a calendar of events in London's health care during 1994, followed by a commentary by the editor. The third section presents the relevant ...
This briefing paper aims to contribute some background analysis and data to inform a debate in the House of Commons on 28 April 1994 about London's health care system. It begins with comparative considerations; whether high needs and poor community based care lead to greater pressure on hospitals; and key ...