This is the second edition of this publication which was published for the first time in 1994. This edition is structured in four parts. The first is a calendar of events in London's health care during 1994, followed by a commentary by the editor. The third section presents the relevant ...
The object of this study was to collect information which embraced the richness and complexity of people's views on London's health care services to contribute to the King's Fund's work on London's acute services. This report provides a detailed picture of the ways in which respondents would like to see ...
In 1992 the King's Fund Commission published a report `London health care 2010 : changing the future of services in the capital'. This report was unable to describe in any detail the actual delivery of acute medical care in London. This required a more indepth study of care based on ...
The author looks at the NHS in London two years after the report of the King's Fund Commission on London and the Tomlinson report and three years before the next general election. Policies shaping the NHS in London have become increasingly controversial. He argues that despite the growing resistance to ...
Following on from the King's Fund London initiative in 1992 the authors investigated the extent to which acute services in London have moved from hospital into primary or community care. This article considers the extent of movement away from traditional acute care in hospital into the following settings: general practice; ...
This briefing paper aims to contribute some background analysis and data to inform a debate in the House of Commons on 28 April 1994 about London's health care system. It begins with comparative considerations; whether high needs and poor community based care lead to greater pressure on hospitals; and key ...
This report summarises the brief which was given to the King's Fund on finding the views of GPs following the Tomlinson report; setting up GP networks; clarifying what the King's Fund might expect from the Investment Fund launch; and improving working with GPs.
This paper proposes an alliance of charitable foundations, together with Government, to make a distinctive contribution to the way in which health services for Londoners are being shaped. It explains how an investment fund could form the basis of a high profile three year development programme; how it could be ...
This report is based on public discussion of the six specialty reviews for London that were set up by the Secretary of State for Health earlier in 1993. In July 1993 the King's Fund arranged six meetings to encourage public debate about the outcomes of the independent reviews of specialty ...