HSC 2001/01: LAC (2000)1 'Intermediate Care' requires the NHS and councils, in planning the best balance of intermediate care services locally, to map current levels of capacity, patterns of service provision, A&E attendances, acute admissions, bed occupancy rates and long-term care placements for older people in their area, including where ...
These seven papers detail key lessons from the work of the King's Fund College, which since 1983 has been mounting a programme of educational and field development activities designed to assist networks of local people in addressing the challenges involved in managing psychiatric services in transition. The papers suggest a ...
The 24 papers presented at two conferences in May and June 1988 organised by the KFC, London Boroughs Training Committee, Terrence Higgins Trust and Frontliners. The book represents individual viewpoints from 24 people who organise, provide or receive care. The book contains sections on the shift towards care in the ...
This is the third paper by the authors on managing the relocation of psychiatric services from large institutions to new patterns of local provision. It offers a summary of their current thinking about the characteristics of an assessment and resettlement model which would be compatible with the wider planning issues ...
This publication offers guidelines for statutory and voluntary agencies on the preconditions to and ingredients of a quality housing and care support service for physically disabled people. It presents case histories from the project research, and documents some of the innovative schemes and services that are helping disabled adults to ...
This report analyses the health and social support services presently available to people with physical disabilities in Britain within the wider framework of national, social and community care policy. It attempts to piece together a comprehensive picture of current provision from a wide variety of sources and stresses the need ...
This conference was organised by the London Strategic Policy Unit and held on 8 April 1987. Workers from health services, local authorities and voluntary bodies met to exchange ideas and compare experience of providing services for A.I.D.S. patients. A paper was presented by the director of supportive housing from the ...
This report attempts to correlate therapeutic principles of the treatment of alcoholism with the planning and design of new facilities. Two existing treatment facilities are looked at in depth, Warlingham Park Hospital, Surrey and Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Scotland.
This report looks at proven catering service systems, primarily distribution systems based on conventional cooking, although reference is also made to frozen and chilled meals. Three systems are considered to provide a good standard of feeding if correctly operated and well managed: central tray service; central plate service; and peripheral ...
This booklet contains the papers given at the third building conference arranged by the King's Fund. Each paper given at the Conference is followed by notes of the discussions which took place. The objectives of the Conference were: to learn from each other's experience; to appreciate other's points of view, ...