This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It includes a detailed description of health events in the last twelve months, as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: influencing the diffusion of new medical technologies; the future ...
The NHS (Primary Care) Act 1997 made possible local contracts for general practice services and spawned Personal Medical Services (PMS) pilots. These are intended to make primary care services more sensitive to local needs and are therefore particularly useful in London where long-term infrastructural problems have proved intractable. The King's ...
The aim of this paper is to develop statistical models which explain the utilisation of GP services and which can also subsequently be linked to the 1991 census data to calculate weighted population estimates for areas based on their need for health care
Practice-based commissioning is a policy that aims to give more influence and control to GP practices in England over how money is spent on health care services. At the moment, the bulk of NHS money is allocated to primary care trusts (PCTs) who then commission and reimburse hospitals (and other ...
At the beginning of 1995 King's Fund Organisational Audit set up a project to develop organisational audit for health service commissioning. Six health authorities and five primary care organisations agreed to become pilots for the newly developed process. This report presents the results of the evaluation process, including the findings ...
In 2002, the King's Fund commissioned a major inquiry into the state of the capital's mental health and mental health services and how far they meet the needs of service users. The inquiry set out to: investigate whether mental health care had improved in the capital since the King's Fund ...
The King's Fund has been working with the North Hillingdon PMS pilot for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews, a patient satisfaction questionnaire, an audit of chronic disease management and a practice profile questionnaire, ...