The findings outlined in this book describe a service in inner London that cannot be sustained because it is unable to meet the demands imposed upon it. Services in outer London are comparable with those in other English cities. The mental illness services are in a state of transition, and ...
This paper reconsiders the meaning and impact of projects, the most common device for spending development monies. They argue that projects can distort the priorities of the host organisation. There are four aspects to this problem: the disruption caused to an organisation by the existence of a project; the project ...
This paper examines four major policy developments which are forcing changes in medical staffing arrangements and also in the reconfiguration of clinical services within and between hospitals. These developments are the primary care-led NHS, the New Deal on junior doctors' hours, the Calman report on specialist medical training and the ...
This report is a case study of primary-secondary substitution as an achievable means of reconfiguring health care in London and the UK more generally. It systematically reviews the available local, national and international evidence on the potential for cost-effective primary-secondary substitution of emergency care. The evidence relating to substitution and ...
This report is a review of the evaluation of the London Initiative Zone (L.I.Z.) primary care development projects which were established through the former London Implementation Group (LIG) and which were in progress in 1995/6. It particularly focuses on the evaluation of revenue projects aimed at service development in primary ...
This report presents some of the main themes that emerged from a series of workshops on various aspects of primary care organised and hosted by the King's Fund in the summer and autumn of 1996. The topics covered in the workshops were change in primary health care, frail elderly people, ...
Community-oriented primary care (COPC) is an approach to health care which combines the principles and skills of public health and family practice. It offers participants an action-oriented framework for working together on health needs at practice level. In 1992, the King's Fund, in association with other organisations, initiated a pilot ...
This guide explores the benefits of introducing community development health programmes. Using a community-oriented primary care approach (COPC), the guide explains how to use resources more effectively, set health goals and health programmes linked to local needs, identify those who most need health care, and support people's desire to take ...
This guide has been written for members of primary health care teams (PHCTs) where the team has decided to run a community -oriented primary care (COPC) programme on depression or anxiety. It is designed to assist at the two stages of detailed problem assessment and intervention planning. As a result ...