Since 1997, the Labour government has made some momentous changes to the way primary care is managed and delivered. The creation of Primary Care Groups, the development of NHS Direct and the implementation of clinical governance will all have an effect on GP services for decades to come. In "What ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1995 to 1996. The first part examines the main events of the year in five key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; community care ; public health strategy; serving the consumer; and clinical knowledge. The second part of the work contains ...
This report is the result of a major study examining the links between acute, primary and community services in Bromley, Kent. Results of the study, funded by the King's Fund and South Thames Regional Health Authority, contributed to Bromley Health's future strategy for change and led to the redevelopment of ...
Following on from the King's Fund London initiative in 1992 the authors investigated the extent to which acute services in London have moved from hospital into primary or community care. This article considers the extent of movement away from traditional acute care in hospital into the following settings: general practice; ...
This briefing paper aims to contribute some background analysis and data to inform a debate in the House of Commons on 28 April 1994 about London's health care system. It begins with comparative considerations; whether high needs and poor community based care lead to greater pressure on hospitals; and key ...
Primary care has been the subject of a quiet revolution in recent years, with the ending of the monopoly of provision by independently contracted GPs and the introduction of a range of new targets and new forms of first contact care. Now it is poised for further radical change with ...
The reconfiguration of hospital services in England has been a contentious issue. There have been local public protests against hospital closures and more recently a concerted effort by the government to communicate the clinical case for change. The final report of the NHS Next Stage Review is due for publication ...
In January 2006 the Department of Health published Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services. It is the government's seventh White Paper on health since coming to office in 1997 and, after several years of reform aimed at the acute hospital sector, it represents what ...
In December 2006, the Department of Health issued its second 'operating framework', The NHS in England: The operating framework for 2007/08, which provides a set of rules and guidance for NHS organisations in England for the year ahead. Aimed primarily at managers and clinical staff, the operating framework for 2007/8 ...
The 2006/7 Operating Framework, published at the end of January 2006, sets out the Department of Health's priorities for the NHS in England over the next financial year, a year which the document expects to be 'challenging'. It is aimed primarily at NHS managers and their counterparts in local government. ...