In 2002, the King's Fund commissioned a major inquiry into the state of the capital's mental health and mental health services and how far they meet the needs of service users. The inquiry set out to: investigate whether mental health care had improved in the capital since the King's Fund ...
The King's Fund has been working with the SWLPCO for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews and a focus group with key stakeholders, a patient satisfaction questionnaire, an audit of chronic disease management and ...
The King's Fund has been working with the North Hillingdon PMS pilot for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews, a patient satisfaction questionnaire, an audit of chronic disease management and a practice profile questionnaire, ...
The King's Fund has been working with the Isleworth Centre Practice for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews and a focus group with key stakeholders, a patient satisfaction questionnaire, a registration questionnaire, an audit ...
The King's Fund has been working with the Edith Cavell Practice for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews and a focus group with key stakeholders, a patient satisfaction questionnaire and a practice profile questionnaire, ...
The first wave of personal medical services (PMS) pilots have now been 'live' for more than three years. Having started life in the shadow of better publicised reforms, they are now at the centre of government strategy for primary care. This publication aims to share the lessons emerging from this ...
This report summarises a review of the clinical governance baseline assessments prepared by 36 London primary care groups. As every primary care group (PCG) was required to undertake and publish a baseline assessment , they provide insights into the range of approaches being taken to implementing clinical governance.
The NHS (Primary Care) Act 1997 made possible local contracts for general practice services and spawned Personal Medical Services (PMS) pilots. These are intended to make primary care services more sensitive to local needs and are therefore particularly useful in London where long-term infrastructural problems have proved intractable. The King's ...
This paper tells the story of the first two years (1994-96) of the London Health Partnership's primary care development programme. It describes the background to the project and its guiding principles, and then goes on to describe the diagnostic phase of its work and how systems theories influenced the ongoing ...
The aim of this work is to support primary care groups (PCGs) in developing primary care in London. It is directed at all those involved in primary care development , including members of PCGs, trusts and health authorities. Primary care development is taken here to mean the constellation of ideas, ...
The White Paper "The new NHS" set out the Government's health policy for the next ten years. All general practices in England are to belong to a Primary Care Group (PCG), whose core functions will be to: improve the health of their community and reduce inequalities; commission a range of ...
The findings outlined in this book describe a service in inner London that cannot be sustained because it is unable to meet the demands imposed upon it. Services in outer London are comparable with those in other English cities. The mental illness services are in a state of transition, and ...
This report is a case study of primary-secondary substitution as an achievable means of reconfiguring health care in London and the UK more generally. It systematically reviews the available local, national and international evidence on the potential for cost-effective primary-secondary substitution of emergency care. The evidence relating to substitution and ...
This report is a review of the evaluation of the London Initiative Zone (L.I.Z.) primary care development projects which were established through the former London Implementation Group (LIG) and which were in progress in 1995/6. It particularly focuses on the evaluation of revenue projects aimed at service development in primary ...
This report provides a comprehensive review of the health and health care of the population of London, based on a variety of published and unpublished data sources. The report considers London in three ways: first, by providing comparisons between different parts of the capital; second, by comparing areas of London ...
The National Health Service in London faces profound challenges. Currently, services are under intense strain. Access to appropriate care for Londoners is jeopardised, and public confidence has declined. In inner London, in particular, there are high levels of deprivation and growing health inequalities. While some of the country's leading hospitals ...
The National Health Service in London faces profound challenges. Currently, services are under intense strain. Access to appropriate care for Londoners is jeopardised, and public confidence has declined. In inner London, in particular, there are high levels of deprivation and growing health inequalities. While some of the country's leading hospitals ...
This pamphlet describes the whole systems approach taken by the London Health Partnership to achieve their aim of improving the well-being of older people by addressing long-standing problems of providing care and promoting health in cities. This summary was presented to the 1996 British Urban Regeneration Association Conference.
This is the third edition of this publication which was published for the first time in 1994. This edition is structured in three parts. The first is a calendar of events in London's health care during 1995, followed by a commentary by the editor. The second section presents the relevant ...
This is the second edition of this publication which was published for the first time in 1994. This edition is structured in four parts. The first is a calendar of events in London's health care during 1994, followed by a commentary by the editor. The third section presents the relevant ...