Practice-based commissioning is a policy that aims to give more influence and control to GP practices in England over how money is spent on health care services. At the moment, the bulk of NHS money is allocated to primary care trusts (PCTs) who then commission and reimburse hospitals (and other ...
The purpose of this publication is to examine the implications of contemporary policy and organisational change for the future of general practice. The opening chapter sets modernisation in context. The next two chapters examine the historical roots of the current situation and the profession's response to current crises. The fourth ...
Since 1997, the Labour government has made some momentous changes to the way primary care is managed and delivered. The creation of Primary Care Groups, the development of NHS Direct and the implementation of clinical governance will all have an effect on GP services for decades to come. In "What ...
This publication gives an account of a project co-funded by the NHS Executive and the King's Fund. It was devised as a response to the crisis in GP morale which began to be recognised in 1994. A participative workshop, 'A Day in the Life of a GP 2010' was designed, ...
This workshop explored the approaches developed by five NHS general practices who are learning from their patients and communities to develop resources which provide new health creating options. Human considerations are kept to the fore, teamwork and an active partnership with patients are encouraged and a wide range of integrated ...
Reorientating the NHS to be both needs led and responsive to users has to be a joint endeavour for both commissioners and providers. A new synthesis is required to combine the best of personal patient care with a focus on population health. The King's Fund has recognised community oriented primary ...
Following on from the King's Fund London initiative in 1992 the authors investigated the extent to which acute services in London have moved from hospital into primary or community care. This article considers the extent of movement away from traditional acute care in hospital into the following settings: general practice; ...