Abstracts of the papers presented to the seventh King's Fund Forum. The papers discuss the four topics which the panel were asked to address: 1) would the detection and treatment of polyps reduce the incidence of cancer of the colon and rectum?; 2) are there preventive measures which will safely ...
This project paper outlines some of the initiatives undertaken in the field of education and prevention of HIV infection in an area of low prevalence (Northern Ireland) and attempts to adduce some of the factors critical to achieving implementation of the programme, planning for which started at the end of ...
The paper is divided into two sections. The first section covers prevention in obstetrics - in antenatal and in perinatal care, and includes screening for foetal abnormalities and genetic counselling. The second covers preventive aspects of gynaecology, including cytological screening, contraception and abortion.
The purpose of this day conference was to demonstrate the opportunities which exist to put preventive health policies into practice. Topics discussed were: current government policy on preventive health care; the role of health education; preventive mental health in primary care; prevention in obstetrics and gynaecology; health education in primary ...
This experimental project took place in Newcastle upon Tyne to look at the health of elderly people. The aims of the project were: to develop experimental after-care and preventive medicine with patients, their friends and families; to help develop relationships that bridge the gap between family and friend and hospital ...
In January 2006 the Department of Health published Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services. It is the government's seventh White Paper on health since coming to office in 1997 and, after several years of reform aimed at the acute hospital sector, it represents what ...
This paper was commissioned by the UK government's Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) as part of its National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society., As the population ages, the prevalence of complex conditions requiring intensive social care will increase to a point where the costs are difficult to sustain. To avoid this crisis, preventive 'upstream' interventions should be targeted at those people at lower, emerging risk. Evidence suggests that these interventions could avoid future ..., and Copyright HMSO