Although some of the key planks of the NHS reform programme, such as Payment by Results (PbR) and patient choice, began to take shape from 2003, it is only recently that the Department of Health has begun to publish guidance, aimed at people working within the NHS, that attempts to ...
Practice-based commissioning is a policy that aims to give more influence and control to GP practices in England over how money is spent on health care services. At the moment, the bulk of NHS money is allocated to primary care trusts (PCTs) who then commission and reimburse hospitals (and other ...
Social enterprises are businesses that deliver goods and services but in pursuit of primarily social objectives. The government is committed to supporting social enterprise in the economy at large and in its recent white paper has suggested that social enterprise models of service delivery can be part of the provider ...
This paper aims to shape discussion about practice-led commissioning. It asks what this kind of commissioning is intended to achieve and what it really means in the new health care context. It explores the lessons of GP fundholding, total purchasing, and locality/GP commissioning pilots, and suggests some constraints and risks ...
Although practice-based commissioning (PBC) receives widespread support among the main political parties and NHS stakeholder groups, implementation of this policy has been slow. The NHS now boasts 'universal coverage' of PBC but in practice this means it has created an environment in which PBC could flourish rather than one in ...
Despite the rapid growth of funding, in 2005/6 NHS trusts in aggregate overspent by more than £1.2 billion, and the NHS as a whole overspent by more than £500 million. More than 60 trusts incurred significant deficits, and turnaround teams were sent in to find out why. Although until recently ...
The Cancer Plan has achieved impressive results since it was published in 2000. However, demographic trends, new treatments, increasing survival rates and reforms in the NHS have altered the context in which cancer services operate. Cancer Research UK commissioned this paper to explore how cancer policy should evolve in response ...
Primary care has been the subject of a quiet revolution in recent years, with the ending of the monopoly of provision by independently contracted GPs and the introduction of a range of new targets and new forms of first contact care. Now it is poised for further radical change with ...
Practice-based commissioning (PBC) is a policy intended to give more decision-making power over NHS resources to general practitioners (GPs), and allow them to design and deliver completely new services or commission others to do so. It has a number of underlying policy objectives including delivering more cost effective and convenient ...
In December 2006, the Department of Health issued its second 'operating framework', The NHS in England: The operating framework for 2007/08, which provides a set of rules and guidance for NHS organisations in England for the year ahead. Aimed primarily at managers and clinical staff, the operating framework for 2007/8 ...