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Seeking the views of local people on health and social care services for older people in Trafford South : a description of the process adopted by Trafford South Primary Care Group over the summer of 1999, as a first step towards involving local people in service planning.
1 of 100
Social care needs and outcomes : a background paper for the Wanless Social Care Review.
2 of 100
NHS continuing care in England.
3 of 100
Direct payments and older people.
4 of 100
Care Services Inquiry interim report : concerns about care for older Londoners.
5 of 100
The business of caring : King's Fund Inquiry into care services for older people in London : summary.
6 of 100
Free personal care in Scotland.
7 of 100
Funding options for older people's social care.
8 of 100
Housing options for older people.
9 of 100
Preventive social care : is it cost effective?
10 of 100
Private expenditure on older people's social care.
11 of 100
The social care workforce in England : the current position and the challenges of supply.
12 of 100
Telecare and older people.
13 of 100
Time and other inputs for high quality social care.
14 of 100
Predicting who will need costly care : how best to target preventive health, housing and social programmes.
15 of 100
The King's Fund response to the Health Select Committee Inquiry into the future of social care.
16 of 100
Case-managing long-term conditions : what impact does it have on the treatment of older people?
17 of 100
Age discrimination in health and social care.
18 of 100
Auditing age discrimination : a practical guide to promoting age equality in health and social care.
19 of 100
Commissioning care services for older people : achievements and challenges in London.
20 of 100
Policy framework for integrated care for older people : developed by the CARMEN network.
21 of 100
Understanding public services and care markets.
22 of 100
The future of care funding : time for a change.
23 of 100
Future imperfect : report of the King's Fund Care and Support Inquiry : [summary].
24 of 100
Improving health in London : case study : health talks for elderly Latin Americans.
25 of 100
Health community work and elderly people : notes from a one day workshop held at the King's Fund Centre, April 1983
26 of 100
Health status and health care utilisation amongst elderly persons in Britain : briefing background Paper : London Commission [draft version]
27 of 100
Information on obtaining the views of the elderly
28 of 100
A guide to training resources for staff working with `confused' elderly people
29 of 100
The care of the aged sick : the story of an experiment in providing homes for aged patients within the National Health Service
30 of 100
Hospital personal aid service for the elderly : report to 31st December, 1955.
31 of 100
Notes on diets for old people in homes and institutions
32 of 100
Hospital personal aid service for the elderly : report to 31st December, 1958.
33 of 100
Hospital personal aid service for the elderly
34 of 100
Hospital personal aid service for the elderly : report to 31st December, 1959.
35 of 100
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of ninety convalescent homes, homes for incurables and other institutions, and homes for the aged sick: for their respective financial years ending in 1959 or 1960
36 of 100
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of one hundred independent convalescent homes, homes for incurables and other institutions, homes for the aged sick and hospitals for their respective financial years ending in 1961 or 1962
37 of 100
Report on services for the elderly in the Metropolitan Borough of Lewisham, 1964
38 of 100
Notes on diets for old people in homes and institutions
39 of 100
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of ninety-six independent convalescent homes, halfway houses, other homes and hospitals for their respective financial years ended in 1964 or 1965
40 of 100
Report of an investigation into the dietary of elderly women living alone
41 of 100
Improving care for the elderly
42 of 100
The geriatric day hospital : a report of three studies of geriatric day hospitals in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
43 of 100
A longitudinal study of the dietary of elderly women : report of the first longitudinal study of old people to be carried out in this country
44 of 100
Care for the elderly : a collection of reports on a series of twelve conferences held at the Hospital Centre between June and December 1970
45 of 100
Voluntary help in the care of the elderly
46 of 100
Meals for the elderly : a report on meals on wheels and luncheon clubs in two North London boroughs
47 of 100
The elderly mind
48 of 100
Nutrition of housebound old people
49 of 100
Care for the elderly mind : a collection of reports on a series of five conferences held at the King's Fund Centre between September 1972 - January 1973
50 of 100
Health of the elderly project : an experiment in the voluntary visiting of old people
51 of 100
The Danish experience : what is long term care for the elderly? : report of a conference on 20 March 1979 at the King's Fund Centre
52 of 100
The role of the general practitioner hospital in the care of the elderly : report of the conference held at the King's Fund Centre on 6 March 1979
53 of 100
Old people in hospital : a survey of opinions of patients, visitors and staff
54 of 100
A service for the elderly mentally ill in Brighton
55 of 100
The Danish experience : what is long term care for the elderly? conclusions [and] report of the final conference on 12 December 1979 at the King's Fund Centre
56 of 100
Keeping track of elderly patients : the "Elderly at Risk" Register
57 of 100
Private and voluntary residential homes for elderly people : report of three study days on professional support for staff
58 of 100
Issues for London DHAs : policies for the elderly : report of a conference held at the King's Fund Centre on 13th May 1982
59 of 100
The respective roles of the general acute and geriatric sectors in care of the elderly hospital patient : report of a study day held at the King's Fund Centre on 4th June, 1982
60 of 100
The elderly and their use of medicines : a review
61 of 100
Information about district health authorities in England from the 1981 census
62 of 100
Developments in domiciliary care for the elderly
63 of 100
A consultation on the accreditation of residential care homes, nursing homes and mental nursing homes : a report of, and commentary upon, a conference held at the King's Fund Centre on 25 January 1985
64 of 100
Home from hospital : providing continuing care for elderly people : some key issues and learning experiences from the field
65 of 100
Living well into old age : applying principles of good practice to services for people with dementia
66 of 100
The limits of altruism : the elderly mentally infirm people as a test case for collaboration
67 of 100
A survey of health services for elderly people : recent innovations in the United Kingdom (1982-85)
68 of 100
Achievable standards of care for the elderly patient cared for in the acute assessment wards, continuing care wards, nursing homes and day hospitals within the City & Hackney Health Authority
69 of 100
Making quality central to the development of community care : report from a workshop on quality assurance in community care, 23-24 February 1987, organised by the King's Fund College with support from the National Health Service Training Authority
70 of 100
Planning for the elderly : achieving a balance of care
71 of 100
Preparing for Cumberlege
72 of 100
Report on a visit to geriatric centres of excellence in the United States of America
73 of 100
Promoting health among elderly people : a statement from a working group
74 of 100
The consumers' view : elderly people and community health services
75 of 100
Caring together : mental health USA & Canada
76 of 100
The role of the general practitioner in caring for people in the last year of their lives
77 of 100
The support you need : information for carers of Afro-Caribbean elderly people
78 of 100
Call for care
79 of 100
Through a glass darkly : community care and elderly people
80 of 100
A carers' panel : enabling relatives to influence patient care
81 of 100
A user perspective : views on London's acute health services
82 of 100
Promoting nutritional awareness : opportunities provided by a hospital stay
83 of 100
London views : three essays on health care in the capital
84 of 100
The growth of Tameside nursing development unit : an exploration of perceived changes in nursing practice over a ten-year period
85 of 100
Primary health care in London : quantifying the challenge
86 of 100
Primary nursing in elderly care
87 of 100
Joint commissioning : the story so far
88 of 100
Joint commissioning : developing a collaborative culture as a pre-condition for change
89 of 100
Joint commissioning : gearing up for action
90 of 100
Developing the practice of collaborative commissioning : [report of a] King's Fund workshop [held on] 4-5 October 1994 : background material
91 of 100
Developing the practice of collaborative commissioning : report of a King's Fund workshop held on 4-5 October 1994
92 of 100
We thought we knew... : involving patients in nursing practice
93 of 100
Joint commissioning : talking heads on the road to nowhere?
94 of 100
Older people programme : overview paper : November 1996
95 of 100
Primary health care in cities : a whole systems approach
96 of 100
'How do I get there?' : transport handbook for older people in London
97 of 100
Distilling the lessons : a review of the King's Fund Joint Community Care Commissioning Project
98 of 100
Joint approaches for a better old age : developing services through joint commissioning
99 of 100
London Commission Older People's Programme : working papers
100 of 100