This document builds on work carried out by a group of blind and partially sighted people who were invited to identify the issues which they considered to be most important in shaping their experiences of community care. These issues include access to information, assessment for entitlement to services, inflexibility and ...
This document builds on work carried out by a group of deaf and partially deaf people who were invited to share views and experiences of community care services. It discusses communication, interpreting services, individual needs, social services and health issues relevant to deaf people. Service provision to deaf people from ...
This publication sets out guidelines for those commissioning health and social services for people with physical and/or sensory impairments between the ages of 16 and 65. It starts by identifying what are the general aims of commissioning activities directed at this group of people before moving on to address the ...
This publication aims to provide a quick guide to improving disability services for senior managers in health and social services who may have overall responsibility for services for adults with physical or sensory impairments yet not have a detailed involvement at an operational level. The guide is written primarily for ...