The 1997 white paper 'The New NHS: modern, dependable' promised to put quality at the heart of the health service, announcing the formation of a National Institute of Clinical Excellence, a Commission for Health Improvement, evidence based National Service Frameworks, a new system of clinical governance in NHS trusts and ...
This paper explores the many meanings of democracy, seeks to define some criteria for assessing whether or not there is a 'democratic deficit' in the NHS, and examines the policy options that have been put forward for making the NHS more 'democratic'. The first section analyses the various ways in ...
This report was commissioned by the King's Fund as part of the process of evaluating the impact and effectiveness of their work in the five development sites of the project. The two questions the report attempted to answer were: to what extent the sites had met the service change targets ...
This is the fourth in a series of briefings from the King's Fund's Joint Community Care Commissioning Project, and the last before the Project's final report. It continues the theme of achieving change through joint commissioning and questions whether it really can lead to a significant improvement in the quality ...
This is the second edition of this publication which was published for the first time in 1994. This edition is structured in four parts. The first is a calendar of events in London's health care during 1994, followed by a commentary by the editor. The third section presents the relevant ...
This is a summary of a workshop in a continuing series of short events designed to explore the development of collaborative commissioning in the light of evolving local experience. Participation was drawn from the five sites involved in the King's Fund Centre's Joint Commissioning project, eight other health and local ...
This is a summary of a workshop in a continuing series of short events designed to explore the development of collaborative commissioning in the light of evolving local experience. Participation was drawn from the five sites involved in the King's Fund Centre's Joint Commissioning project, eight other health and local ...
The first two briefings looked at major issues involved in joint commissioning services for older people and examined progress at each of the five development sites. This third briefing concentrates upon the achievement of change, particularly making a positive impact on older people's lives through collaborative commissioning. A major theme ...
The changes in the NHS mean that clinicians will have to accept the need for explicit rationing rather than shirking the issue with reference to clinical decision making. The current system of implicit rationing will be replaced by one which bases resource allocation on explicit criteria. However there are problems ...
Section one of this report deals with consumer involvement in the NHS. It covers the areas of complaints procedures, the role of community health councils, the voluntary contribution to the NHS, the Wolfenden Report and patient participation in general practice. The second section concentrates on community health councils (CHCs), presenting ...