This publication is a comprehensive review of health care policy issues. It contains a calendar of events from August 2000 to January 2001 and articles on areas of health policy such as: setting targets for health spending; allocating resources to reduce health inequalities; health policy developments in Europe; the politics ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It includes a detailed description of health events in the last twelve months, as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: influencing the diffusion of new medical technologies; the future ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care policy issues. This edition takes London as its theme. It contains a calendar of events from February to May 2001 and articles on areas of health policy such as: public health; mental health services; refugees and asylum seekers' health experience; public ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It contains a calendar of events for the months June to August 2000 as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: the NHS Plan; public attitudes towards the NHS between ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It contains a calendar of events for the months March to May 2000 as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: the National Beds Inquiry; consultants' contracts; National Institute for ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. From 2000, there will be three issues per year. It contains a calendar of events for the months October 1999 to February 2000 as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue ...
This edition of the annual publication contains articles on hospice care, job-sharing in the NHS, research ethics committees, day surgery, resource allocation, optical services, cost effectiveness in the NHS, long-term care insurance and hospital care at home.
Investment in the NHS has increased significantly under the Blair government. Spending will soon reach the EU average, but when we catch up with our European neighbours, what then? Assuming that pressures to spend more will continue, but that marginal health returns on extra investment are likely to diminish, this ...