This book presents the reality of racism in today's NHS. It attempts to tackle the discrimination and injustice some people from minority ethnic groups working in the health service and particularly medicine currently endure. Using a range of anecdotal accounts, historical perspectives and research by contributors from culturally diverse backgrounds, ...
This report describes a conference held towards the end of a programme of study set up to identify the learning needs of clinician and the organisational changes required if patients' information needs are to be fulfilled. Prior to this conference, clinicians had been surveyed to identify learning needs and organisational ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It contains a calendar of events for the months June to August 2000 as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: the NHS Plan; public attitudes towards the NHS between ...
This paper examines four major policy developments which are forcing changes in medical staffing arrangements and also in the reconfiguration of clinical services within and between hospitals. These developments are the primary care-led NHS, the New Deal on junior doctors' hours, the Calman report on specialist medical training and the ...
This report looks at how the Patients' Charter has worked in the past and and what patients and NHS staff would like to see covered in a future health charter. It is based on research commissioned by the NHS Executive and the King's Fund to help the Labour government review ...
This book is for doctors and gives accounts of the type of work done by the King's Fund with them. It contains doctors' stories of their experiences as managers and the author and her colleagues' experiences of working as management developers with doctors. Beginning with a theoretical account of the ...
This is the third edition of the Organisational Audit manual. Since 1990 several individual sections of the manual have been revised in order to ensure that the standards remain at the forefront of good practice as well as to reflect the significant changes which have taken place in the organisational ...
In May 1993 representatives of ten countries met for two days in Dublin under the auspices of the European Healthcare Management Association to explore similarities, differences and potential ways forward to strengthen management development for those doctors managing clinical resources. Prior to the conference the co-ordinators from each participating country ...
The four essays in this volume offer some insights into the following issues: clinical directors, from the view point of a clinician and a manager; USA experience of physician as managers in hospitals and the implementation of such a system; an assessment of the options for the NHS with doctors ...