The King's Fund Inquiry into Care Services for Older People in London was established to find out whether the care system operating in 2004 was meeting the needs and preferences of older Londoners who require care and whether there will be sufficient care services of the right design and quality ...
A report commissioned by the King's Fund in December 2004 to provide support to the Enquiry into Care Services in London. The data helps to provide an understanding of housing issues that impact on people's ability to make choices about their care and their way of life.
The demand for care and support in old age is growing nationally, but London faces some particular challenges. For example, although there are fewer older people in inner London, many are likely to need social care as a result of poor health, poverty, poor housing and lack of social support. ...
This is one of a series of case studies exploring how individuals living in London have used the King's Fund Millennium Awards scheme to make a real difference to the health of others in their communities. One in four people will experience a mental health problem at some point in ...
The King's Fund, NHS Confederation and Royal College of Nursing produced this briefing that provides key facts and figures on London's health needs, and highlights what they believe are the five most pressing health issues for the Mayor to tackle. The five key messages are: make London a healthy place ...
In 2002, the King's Fund commissioned a major inquiry into the state of the capital's mental health and mental health services and how far they meet the needs of service users. The inquiry set out to: investigate whether mental health care had improved in the capital since the King's Fund ...
This new policy paper, which follows up an interim report published in 2002, aims to take a fresh look at the issues facing planners, policy makers and managers responsible for maintaining and developing the health care workforces in London, and to tease out some of the opportunities, as well as ...
'Working Together in London', a three-year, £2 million programme, was set up by the King's Fund, the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health and the Department of Health to support people with severe and long-term mental health problems. New assertive outreach services were established in three of London's most deprived communities ...
This publication summarises the King's Fund Community Pharmacy Programme. It has three components: extending local contracting to community pharmacy; the developmental needs of community pharmacists in North East London; and the role of pharmacists in demand management. The programme outputs will include a conference, publications, a stakeholder event in North ...
The ultimate goal of the new Older People's Service Development Programme in London is to promote the independence of older people in London through the development of person-centred coordinated services. The aim will be to establish systems to identify vulnerable older people in the community who may be at risk ...
Under One Roof was an interagency project aiming to provide better integrated services to homeless single people in two London boroughs. Over its three year course the project has been able to give us a clear sense of the way forward for rough sleepers' services, from GP surgeries and benefits ...
The King's Fund has been working with the SWLPCO for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews and a focus group with key stakeholders, a patient satisfaction questionnaire, an audit of chronic disease management and ...
The King's Fund has been working with the North Hillingdon PMS pilot for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews, a patient satisfaction questionnaire, an audit of chronic disease management and a practice profile questionnaire, ...
The King's Fund has been working with the Isleworth Centre Practice for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews and a focus group with key stakeholders, a patient satisfaction questionnaire, a registration questionnaire, an audit ...
The King's Fund has been working with the Edith Cavell Practice for three years as part of an evaluation of four PMS pilots in London. Using a variety of research methods, including in-depth interviews and a focus group with key stakeholders, a patient satisfaction questionnaire and a practice profile questionnaire, ...
Recently there have been changes in the regeneration policy environment with the establishment of agencies such as the Greater London Authority and Assembly, the London Development Agency and the London Health Commission. The roles of these agencies are detailed in Section One of this publication. Section Two gives a summary ...
This review of the research literature on the relationship between regeneration initiatives and population health was commissioned by the King's Fund in London with support from the Nuffield Institute for Health. It describes the research-based literature reviewed, reviews the evaluative approaches adopted in this field, describes the work identified, considers ...
This report examines the nature of emergency admissions in London, pointing out that the main peaks in demand appear to be due to respiratory disease during the Christmas period. Chronic disease in the elderly is a major factor, and residents of the East End of London seem to be affected ...
The first wave of personal medical services (PMS) pilots have now been 'live' for more than three years. Having started life in the shadow of better publicised reforms, they are now at the centre of government strategy for primary care. This publication aims to share the lessons emerging from this ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care policy issues. This edition takes London as its theme. It contains a calendar of events from February to May 2001 and articles on areas of health policy such as: public health; mental health services; refugees and asylum seekers' health experience; public ...