In recent years, new health care delivery initiatives have emerged that promise to overcome some of the long-standing difficulties that hinder the various parts of the NHS from working efficiently and effectively together. These include national service frameworks, care pathways and NHS Direct. However, their full implications have yet to ...
This pack is designed to help all those people with an interest in, or responsibility for, the development of evidence based practice in line with the clinical governance agenda. It has been drawn together following three years of working with small multi-professional groups and the content was piloted with the ...
The King's Fund has analysed 142 local authority plans to use the Carers Special Grant to gain insight into implementation of national policy on carers. For the first time, Government ring-fenced funding to enable carers to take a break from caring as part of its overall strategy to support carers, ...
This paper is for chief executives and clinical governance leads in trusts, policy makers and academics. It simplifies clinical governance as a policy and identifies questions that need answering if policy aims are to be met, reports on the development of clinical governance on the ground and highlights gaps between ...
In the spring of 1996, the Implementation Group of North Thames Research and Development allocated £50000 to each of thirteen health authorities for evidence into practice implementation projects. In autumn 1996, the King's Fund Management College was commissioned to evaluate the 17 approved projects. This is the second of three ...
The authors evaluated the implementation of Health at Work, a national programme of work which has begun to open up the workplace health agenda as an organisational and leadership development agenda. Through their research and evaluation strategy they established that: workplace health interventions can make a positive difference to workforce ...
This is a report of a workshop to take forward the issues raised by carers in Tameside. It summarises current work taking place to implement the Tameside Strategy for Carers and proposals on new structures to progress the carers strategy and a three part action plan relevant to carers from ...
In the spring of 1996, the Implementation Group of North Thames Research and Development allocated £50000 to each of thirteen health authorities for evidence into practice implementation projects. In autumn 1996, the King's Fund Management College was commissioned to evaluate the 17 approved projects. In particular, they were interested in ...
In the spring of 1996, the Implementation Group of North Thames Research and Development allocated £50000 to each of thirteen health authorities for evidence into practice implementation projects. In autumn 1996, the King's Fund Management College was commissioned to evaluate the 17 approved projects. In particular, they were interested in ...