This new edition of the Health Quality Service accreditation programme has been extensively revised and updated to reflect government health policy and guidance in the various parts of the United Kingdom as well as taking account of changes and developments in quality assurance and improvement programmes nationally and internationally. These ...
The publication of this manual of organisational standards is a major milestone for King's Fund Organisational Audit (KFOA) in that it brings together standards for acute hospitals, and the newly developed standards for community, learning disabilities and mental health services. This reflects the changing nature of health care organisations and ...
This report was prepared in response to a request from Health Partners International Ltd. It looks at hospital management in seven countries with differing health care systems in order to inform the South African Hospital Strategy Project.
This is the third edition of the Organisational Audit manual. Since 1990 several individual sections of the manual have been revised in order to ensure that the standards remain at the forefront of good practice as well as to reflect the significant changes which have taken place in the organisational ...
This publication is a composite of the standards in `Organisational audit (accreditation UK) standards for an acute hospital' which relate directly to the patient and their carers. The `Consumer checklist' has been divided into three main sections: patient's rights and special care needs; inpatient episode; outpatient/day care episode. It aims ...
The purpose of this manual is to provide a comprehensive set of organisational standards covering the major aspects of an acute general hospital. This will form the basis of a professional peer review (the survey) the aim of which is to support the staff of hospitals in the provision of ...
The NHS is a vast and complex organisation, never out of the public eye and now the focus of major political argument. The author examines the way the NHS works and the incentives that motivate everyone concerned - the general public, the health professionals and managers, and the government. There ...
Since 1948, doctors have had a powerful influence on national and local health policies. They have not, however, always had a happy relationship with the administration that had to implement the policies. Recently the argument for cost effective management, rather than just efficient administrators, in the NHS has been greatly ...
Among the initiatives launched by the Steering Group was a study involving five district health authorities to review the operational information required about doctor-patient relationships and contacts, and to develop effective ways of collecting the data required. Participants undertook a comprehensive review of the organisational structures and management arrangements which ...