This conference was convened to consider and discuss the hospital services, their organisation and scope with special reference to methods of administration. From each country was presented a paper written by the representative of that country dealing in fairly general terms with the principal features of its acute hospital service.
This second conference was presented with very definite and deliberately chosen terms of reference to form the basis of the papers and discussions. These were: 1) in the changing context of hospital administration what are the most important problems of today?; 2) how are these problems being dealt with and ...
The theme for this conference was the pressure for more medical services, including curative care of all kinds and medical care and for more hospital services of all types, including acute, mixed, long-term and psychiatric services. Each paper provides an objective statement of facts as they exist in each country.
Through a travel grant awarded by King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, the author spent three weeks visiting Royal Air Force establishments in order to compare the general pattern of Royal Air Force hospital administration with National Health Service administration.
After 19 years it is clear that the foundations of the NHS are sound, but there is still much readjustment to be achieved within the general plan. It has become increasingly clear that somehow much better cooperation must be achieved if the main divisions of the NHS, hospitals, public health ...
The papers in this booklet consist of reports prepared by multidisciplinary advisory groups as part of a project concerned with the integration of health services. This project originated in an application to the King's Fund from the South East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board for support for a study to see ...
The papers in this booklet consist of reports prepared by multidisciplinary advisory groups as part of a project concerned with the integration of health services. This project originated in an application to the King's Fund from the South East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board for support for a study to see ...
The concern of this report is to review some of the problems involved in the future collaboration between the health services and the personal social services after NHS reorganisation in 1974: in particular to highlight certain specific issues which seem to warrant more careful or detailed consideration. The problems of ...
This monograph attempts to bring together, for all members of health care planning teams, but especially for administrators and community physicians, the nature and place of planning in the NHS, and its relationship to research and administration.
Prison medicine is a unique branch of medical practice undertaken by a number of doctors who have chosen to work in penal establishments either full-time or part-time. It comprises the provision of a comprehensive medical service within certain legal constraints. The four papers in this document were given at a ...
The Royal Commission study on international health services included discussions with experts, visits to other countries by members of the Commission and comparative health service statistics prepared by McKinsey and Co. Inc. This study was commissioned in 1978 and provides a commentary on the unpublished McKinsey statistics. Tables and statistics ...
This report gives an account of the development of the King's Fund London Programme. It was launched in 1979 to develop activities in relation to health care in London. Its broad aim is to identify, encourage and disseminate good practice in inner city areas through a coordinated programme of research ...
Small area statistics from the 1981 Census are an important and in some cases the only source of demographic information about particular neighbourhoods. The statistics are available from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, and some health regions and districts have bought them. The figures are very detailed, and ...
This is the first comprehensive guide for health service managers and other senior staff on all aspects of good public relations practice, including dealings with the press, radio, television etc. Public relations is NOT about 'ducking and weaving against the journalists, silencing abrasive pressure groups and covering up embarrassing mistakes.' ...
The aim of this study is to explore the effect of alternative methods of financing health services on health service performance - particularly performance with respect to efficiency and equity - in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. All countries face certain dilemmas in financing health services: health ...
This publication consists of the collated information of a survey undertaken in the autumn of 1985 by the Long Term and Community Care Team at the King's Fund Centre. All NHS district general managers in the UK were contacted, to find out about innovations in services for the elderly during ...
This report was commissioned from the King's Fund by the chairman of the twelve District Health Authorities. It was felt that there was a lack of a factual basis against which to assess the London-wide implications of the plans of the four Thames Regional Health Authorities. This report, which is ...
This paper is concerned with policy making in the Swedish health service. The paper begins with a description of the organisation of the Swedish health service and a brief summary of the main issues of debate within the service. This is followed by an examination of the role of the ...
This document reviews some elements of health services which have been or may be the subject of standards and some characteristics of the standards themselves.
This is the result of a postal survey which was circulated to all health authorities in 1987. The survey attempted to ask three questions: where are quality circles being used in health care; what are quality circles achieving; could a quality circle be considered to support a network in health ...
This handbook is intended as an introduction for managers and professionals to the concept of health service accreditation as it exists in the USA, Australia, Canada and, more briefly, in New Zealand, the Netherlands, Spain and Yugoslavia. The models described are not intended as a blue print for a UK ...
This conference proceedings report is an edited compilation of papers given at a conference for World A.I.D.S. Day. Topics covered at the conference included - resources for the 1990s, community care, role of the voluntary sector and an agenda for the 1990s.
This working paper sets out some new thinking about the future role of district health authorities. It is intended to introduce into the wider discussion about the future of the NHS some specific ideas about the business of meeting health needs of the local population. As a set of proposals ...
This publication gives the participants, programme and notes for this event. It looks at four different scenarios for London in 2010, and the effects on health care of each.
This paper traces the origins of the Oregon plan, explains how it works and passes judgment on its worth. The Oregon plan is a controversial health rationing plan for the poor under America's Medicaid system. Over 700 services have been ranked in priority order and the state legislature has said ...
Compared to other health services, outpatient departments attract high levels of patient dissatisfaction and yet surveys of outpatients with the aims of improving services have been taking place for several years. So why is there still a high level of dissatisfaction? One of the reasons is that surveys are not ...
There is widespread acceptance of the need for health care professionals to obtain the views of service users but there is confusion over the best way of accomplishing this task. What is offered here is a practical guide to enable health care professionals to decide from whom they want to ...
It is intended that this working paper should: introduce a discussion about some of the organisational options that might be considered if the widely held aspirations for change are to be achieved; indicate some of the current thinking among health service managers about the future direction of the organisation of ...
This report analyses the interlocking set of problems posed by health services, medical education and research in London. It demonstrates that Londoners receive a poor deal from present-day services. It warns that health care in the inner-city may become unsuitable unless there is the political will to back a strategy ...
This is the review of the full report which analyses the interlocking set of problems posed by health services, medical education and research in London. It warns that health services in the city may become unsustainable unless tehre is the political will to back a strategy of fundamental reform. It ...
This report provides a users' perspective on acute health services in London. It begins with an overview of the situation in the capital and proceeds, by considering two vulnerable groups - elderly people and single homeless people, to look in detail at aspects of acute services which are of concern ...
This is a report of Seminar II held at the King's Fund Centre on 1 October 1993, and was organised by the King's Fund Centre and Nuffield Institute for Health as part of their monitoring of developments in community care. The purpose was to identify progress and problems arising six ...
This report discusses progress and problems arising in the joint commissioning of community care services during 1993. Particular attention is given to the commissioning of services for older people, which in terms of expenditure, size of population and potential for service change represent a major challenge in health and social ...
From July 1992 a group of representatives from prison staff and NHS staff across London has worked together using the model of a learning network to develop a better understanding of the health needs of prisoners and to explore new ways of meeting those needs. This report: reviews the health ...
This paper reports on the first phase of a joint King's Fund Centre and Nuffield Institute initiative on monitoring community care implementation. It provides the first independent account of progress in implementing the community care changes which is based on sampling a vertical cross section of stakeholders in a range ...
The first briefing gave an indication of some of the major issues involved in joint commissioning services for older people. It also gave an introduction to the work taking place at the five King's Fund development sites which are: Easington; Hillingdon; Oxfordshire; Westminster; and Wiltshire. This second briefing concentrates on ...
This paper reports on the second and final phase of a joint King's Fund Centre and Nuffield Institute for Health initiative on monitoring community care implementation. It provides an independent account of progress in implementing the community care changes which is based on sampling the experience and perceptions of a ...
This toolkit aims to support purchasers and providers who seek to develop culturally competent services. It aims to: enable individual health authorities and trusts to assess how far they have progressed towards cultural competence, and to decide priorities for further action; identify ways of ensuring that the health needs of ...
This is the introductory work in the 'Promoting Patient Choice' series. It provides a guide to understanding individual user involvement as well as the wider issue of public involvement in health care decision making. It defines the terms and concepts used and describes the debates and strategies concerned with increasing ...
This working paper focuses upon opportunities for rehabilitation within a spectrum of support required by people who are ill or disabled. Drawing on consultations held in 1996, it provides insights into common perceptions of shortcomings in the current system of rehabilitation and of potential benefits which would arise from additional ...
The National Health Service in London faces profound challenges. Currently, services are under intense strain. Access to appropriate care for Londoners is jeopardised, and public confidence has declined. In inner London, in particular, there are high levels of deprivation and growing health inequalities. While some of the country's leading hospitals ...
The National Health Service in London faces profound challenges. Currently, services are under intense strain. Access to appropriate care for Londoners is jeopardised, and public confidence has declined. In inner London, in particular, there are high levels of deprivation and growing health inequalities. While some of the country's leading hospitals ...
Six citizens' juries pilot schemes, sponsored by the Institute for Public Policy Research and the King's Fund, took place in the NHS between June 1996 and March 1997. This book evaluates all aspects of this experiment, from an explanation of the background to the pilots to descriptions of the jury ...
This review examines the meaning of rehabilitation, the provision of it and responsibilities for rehabilitation services within health and social care, and trends in the availability of provision. It concludes that there is increasing awareness of the importance of rehabilitation but, in practice, opportunities for it are not being fully ...
This briefing paper summarises the key findings of two literature reviews jointly commissioned by the Audit Commission and the King's Fund. The reviews provide evidence of shortcomings in the current health and social care system and practices and processes that are known to be effective in achieving good outcomes for ...
This report has been prepared to inform the development of the Government's proposed 'Long Term Care Charter'. The findings are based on an analysis of focus group discussions held in three different parts of the country involving service users, carers and front-line staff with experiences of health, housing and social ...
This booklet is a brief guide for general practitioners (GPs) and colleagues in the primary health care team who have patients who are refugees or asylum seekers, and wish to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to deliver an appropriate service to those patients. It provides information on ...
Primary care groups (PCGs) offer new opportunities for partnerships between health and social care. There is now widespread support for collaboration in order to achieve better integrated care for people with both short-term and continuing care needs. But there is also recognition that this is a complex task. As they ...
This paper aims to assist those who are interested in developing partnership working. It summarises the relevant parts of the Health Act 1999, suggests how these might be used in practice and raises important issues for local consideration. It summarises what is known about care trusts and suggests some key ...
Barriers to mainstream health and social care services for London's minority ethnic communities include a complex array of poorly organised and delivered services, inadequate communication services for non-English speaking groups, direct staff insensitivity to users' cultural and religious needs, and institutionalised barriers that perpetuate discriminatory behaviour and poor practices. This ...