Barriers to mainstream health and social care services for London's minority ethnic communities include a complex array of poorly organised and delivered services, inadequate communication services for non-English speaking groups, direct staff insensitivity to users' cultural and religious needs, and institutionalised barriers that perpetuate discriminatory behaviour and poor practices. This ...
This paper aims to assist those who are interested in developing partnership working. It summarises the relevant parts of the Health Act 1999, suggests how these might be used in practice and raises important issues for local consideration. It summarises what is known about care trusts and suggests some key ...
Primary care groups (PCGs) offer new opportunities for partnerships between health and social care. There is now widespread support for collaboration in order to achieve better integrated care for people with both short-term and continuing care needs. But there is also recognition that this is a complex task. As they ...
This booklet is a brief guide for general practitioners (GPs) and colleagues in the primary health care team who have patients who are refugees or asylum seekers, and wish to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to deliver an appropriate service to those patients. It provides information on ...
This report has been prepared to inform the development of the Government's proposed 'Long Term Care Charter'. The findings are based on an analysis of focus group discussions held in three different parts of the country involving service users, carers and front-line staff with experiences of health, housing and social ...
This briefing paper summarises the key findings of two literature reviews jointly commissioned by the Audit Commission and the King's Fund. The reviews provide evidence of shortcomings in the current health and social care system and practices and processes that are known to be effective in achieving good outcomes for ...
This review examines the meaning of rehabilitation, the provision of it and responsibilities for rehabilitation services within health and social care, and trends in the availability of provision. It concludes that there is increasing awareness of the importance of rehabilitation but, in practice, opportunities for it are not being fully ...
Six citizens' juries pilot schemes, sponsored by the Institute for Public Policy Research and the King's Fund, took place in the NHS between June 1996 and March 1997. This book evaluates all aspects of this experiment, from an explanation of the background to the pilots to descriptions of the jury ...
The National Health Service in London faces profound challenges. Currently, services are under intense strain. Access to appropriate care for Londoners is jeopardised, and public confidence has declined. In inner London, in particular, there are high levels of deprivation and growing health inequalities. While some of the country's leading hospitals ...