The King's Fund commissioned Opinion Leader Research to carry out an investigation of people's attitudes to their own and the nation's health. The four themes examined were: health expectations, individual responsibility and control, the role of the government and the role of the NHS. Findings suggest that support is strongest ...
This briefing analyses and comments on the key proposals contained in the policy document NHS Autonomy and Accountability, which was released by the Conservative party in June 2007. The document contains the most detailed policy proposals on the NHS released by the main opposition party since the election of David ...
This independent audit was commissioned by the Sunday Times and is published with their kind permission. and The Labour Party came to power in 1997 promising to 'save' the NHS. Since then, it has found unprecedented increases in funding for the health service, but Prime Minister Tony Blair has emphasised that the extra money must be linked to a 'step-change' in reform. This reform has taken four ...
The issues surrounding international recruitment and the migration of health workers have generated huge media attention. However, relatively little primary research has been done in this area. Based on a survey of international nurses in London, this paper reports on the country of origin, demographic profile, motivations, experiences and career ...
The need to wait for health care has been a feature of the NHS since its inception. When Labour came to power in 1997, total numbers of patients waiting stood at 1.3 million: the highest since the NHS began in 1948. The government announced its 'war on waiting' and pledged ...
Decisions on education for health currently take place against a background of conflicting policy and practice. So to clarify some of the main issues, this review sets out to identify trends in policy and practice in Britain in recent years, to summarise the evidence on effectiveness on some of the ...
This publication is addressed to members of health authorities, who have a key role to play in ensuring that their authority embarks speedily on the formulation of a policy for the care of the dying. It aims to assist health authorities in making informed decision about the pattern of services ...
Epidemiology and policies for health planning is a guide to health planning according to need. It describes the health measures and sources of data available in England and sets out in detail the patterns of health and disease of different health care groups in the population, and what opportunities there ...
This report presents an appreciation of the significance of Primary Care Development Fund supported schemes for the future of UK primary care generally, and offers a point of common entry into a vital area of national health debate to a range of audiences amongst NHS service providers, users and purchaser ...
The purpose of this day conference was to demonstrate the opportunities which exist to put preventive health policies into practice. Topics discussed were: current government policy on preventive health care; the role of health education; preventive mental health in primary care; prevention in obstetrics and gynaecology; health education in primary ...
This Review is based on the financial rather than the calendar year, and once again attempts to describe and assess the main developments in health policy. The calendar of events aims to describe what has actually happened and also to reflect on some of the wider issues that events within ...
This is a collection of short papers based on a seminar to mark the eighty fifth birthday of Sir George Godber. They examine issues of substantial relevance to the present and future of the National Health Service.
The author describes his visit to Zambia to advise on the development of a policy for hospitals at all levels and an approach to implementation. He visited the country from 27 February to 13 March 1994 to see the major types of hospitals. His recommendations for reforms are presented along ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1993 to 1994. The first part describes developments in each of the main policy areas of `The health of the nation', the Patient's Charter and community care implementation. For the first time results of the systematic research into the effects of the ...
This publication arose from a King's Fund response to Sir Donald Acheson's suggestion that the time was right to consider practical policy options for tackling inequalities in health. A seminar was held at Ditchley Park in September 1993 which brought together a wide range of people, from central and local ...
This report contains an abbreviated appraisal of the options for future health policy in Guernsey. It is divided into three main sections. The first section makes clear the main objectives that any policy must meet. The second section identifies the key components of alternative reform packages with an assessment of ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1994 to 1995. The first part examines the events of the year in four key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; promoting community care ; promoting public health ; promoting the interests of users. The second part of the work looks ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1995 to 1996. The first part examines the main events of the year in five key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; community care ; public health strategy; serving the consumer; and clinical knowledge. The second part of the work contains ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1996 to 1997. The first part examines the main events of the year in five key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; community care ; public health strategy; serving the consumer; and clinical knowledge. The second part of the work contains ...
This paper examines four major policy developments which are forcing changes in medical staffing arrangements and also in the reconfiguration of clinical services within and between hospitals. These developments are the primary care-led NHS, the New Deal on junior doctors' hours, the Calman report on specialist medical training and the ...
This book is designed as a series of personal reflections on three pilot citizens' juries in health authorities around the country. The first chapter consists of a historical perspective on the contribution that citizens' juries may make to democratic practice. It concludes that a clear understanding of the objectives of ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1996 to 1997. The first part examines the main events of the year in five key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; community care ; public health strategy; serving the consumer; and clinical knowledge. The second part of the work contains ...
This book is based on interviews with the four politicians who served as secretary of state for health between 1988 and 1997; Kenneth Clarke, William Waldegrave, Stephen Dorrell and Virginia Bottomley, and offers insights into the events of this period. The author explores the world in which the health secretaries ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. From 2000, there will be three issues per year. It contains a calendar of events for the months October 1999 to February 2000 as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It contains a calendar of events for the months March to May 2000 as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: the National Beds Inquiry; consultants' contracts; National Institute for ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It contains a calendar of events for the months June to August 2000 as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: the NHS Plan; public attitudes towards the NHS between ...
The NHS Plan was launched a year and a half ago, and this edition of Health Care UK brings together views on the key health care policy issues the Plan addressed. Articles deal with: patient involvement; access to health services; delivering the NHS Plan; capacity and service delivery; public-private partnerships ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care policy issues. This edition takes London as its theme. It contains a calendar of events from February to May 2001 and articles on areas of health policy such as: public health; mental health services; refugees and asylum seekers' health experience; public ...
This publication reviews the Labour Party's inheritance when it came to power in 1997, its early promises and its actions to date. It analyses performance against pledges in the areas of funding, waiting, rationing, primary care, workforce, quality assurance, the private sector, long-term care, patient and public involvement and health ...
This publication aims to revive the research debate among policy makers and the research community. It evaluates progress towards meeting the needs of the NHS and examines the role of publicly financed health research alongside that played by the educational, commercial and voluntary sectors. Finally, it assesses the significance of ...
In 2002, the King's Fund commissioned a major inquiry into the state of the capital's mental health and mental health services and how far they meet the needs of service users. The inquiry set out to: investigate whether mental health care had improved in the capital since the King's Fund ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It includes a detailed description of health events in the last twelve months, as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: influencing the diffusion of new medical technologies; the future ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care policy issues. It contains a calendar of events from August 2000 to January 2001 and articles on areas of health policy such as: setting targets for health spending; allocating resources to reduce health inequalities; health policy developments in Europe; the politics ...