Derek Wanless' 2002 report on the future course of NHS spending was immensely important. Not only did it directly inform the Chancellor's spending plans for the NHS for the next five years - which gave the NHS an unprecedented real increase of over 40 per cent by 2007/8 - but ...
This publication reviews the Labour Party's inheritance when it came to power in 1997, its early promises and its actions to date. It analyses performance against pledges in the areas of funding, waiting, rationing, primary care, workforce, quality assurance, the private sector, long-term care, patient and public involvement and health ...
The Government is planning controversial changes to the funding of long term care for older people. This important book explores the past and future of policy in this area and reflects the changing balance between the state's and the individual's responsibilities to cover risks associated with ill health and disabilities. ...
Because the NHS was founded to provide equal access to all on the basis of need rather than the ability to pay, price was eliminated as a method of bringing demand for services into line with supply. This means that the Government has to make decisions about the amount of ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It contains a calendar of events for the months June to August 2000 as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: the NHS Plan; public attitudes towards the NHS between ...
This book explains the events leading up to the BSE crisis. The story begins in the mid-eighties when the first cases of the disease were reported in cattle and ends a decade later with the first cases of the new CJD, the EU ban on British beef exports and the ...