The Government is planning controversial changes to the funding of long term care for older people. This important book explores the past and future of policy in this area and reflects the changing balance between the state's and the individual's responsibilities to cover risks associated with ill health and disabilities. ...
This working paper argues that the development of acute services should be a managed process, one in which they are positively reshaped and not just one in which development is coped with in isolation. The paper highlights some of the technological developments which have recently taken place, and those which ...
The second edition of 'The Nation's Health' is an extensively revised and updated assessment of trends in health status and public health policy and practice over the last decade. Its wide-ranging scientific analysis forms the basis for developing 17 health priorities and a clearly defined strategy for improving health over ...
This publication reviews the progress in public health over the last decade. It seeks to interpret trends in health and to identify measures likely to be effective in promoting the public health. It outlines a national strategy for the next decade, identifying the public responsibilities of government and of the ...
The Cancer Plan has achieved impressive results since it was published in 2000. However, demographic trends, new treatments, increasing survival rates and reforms in the NHS have altered the context in which cancer services operate. Cancer Research UK commissioned this paper to explore how cancer policy should evolve in response ...
It is clear that the era of unprecedented investment in health care is over, and prospects for future funding now look bleak. But just how the NHS will respond to this is uncertain. To test how those in the system might respond, we used a behavioural simulation - Windmill 2009, ...
Primary care trusts (PCTs) provide a broad and complex range of community-based services. However, the commissioning and management of these services have been a challenge for the NHS and in particular for PCTs. As PCTs provide community health services, there is a potential conflict of interest for their role as ...
Workforce planning for the NHS is a large undertaking. The NHS in England employs approximately 1.3 million staff, 70 per cent of recurrent NHS costs relate to staffing, and more than £4 billion is spent annually on staff training. Securing a sufficient number of staff with the appropriate skills and ...
NHS spending in England may have more than doubled in real terms since 1999/2000, but the prospects for future funding now look bleak. Although there is consensus that the NHS faces a tough financial future, there is no agreement about just how cold the financial climate will be. Starting with ...
General practice has changed considerably over the past decade. Practice size has increased, the workforce has grown and become more diverse, the range of services offered has expanded, and the contracting and financing arrangements for GPs have changed. Current government policy aims to improve access and choice for patients, to ...