NHS spending in England may have more than doubled in real terms since 1999/2000, but the prospects for future funding now look bleak. Although there is consensus that the NHS faces a tough financial future, there is no agreement about just how cold the financial climate will be. Starting with ...
The NHS has rarely managed to balance its books exactly; in many years it has overspent, and in some it has carried a surplus. In the financial year 2005/6 it is likely to record a substantial overspend - in gross terms, around £900 million, equivalent to around £700 million net ...
The NHS has moved from an overall net deficit to a net surplus within a year, according to the figures released by the government in June 2007 (Department of Health 2007), reversing a three year trend towards increasingly large gross deficits. The government argues that these latest figures show that ...
An important component of the 1997 King's Fund report on mental health services in London was to analyse the costs of service provision. Over the six years since 1997, there have been some major policy and practice developments in the provision of mental health services in the UK, particularly the ...
This book questions how much the public really knows and cares about the standard of care and about the priorities for expenditure on and within the health and social services; how well informed are people (including health services staff) about the facts and figures of these services and about the ...
The memorandum discusses methods by which individual hospitals may prepare records of quantities of items consumed (for example gas, soap, food), and may use them for the purpose of securing the co-operation of the various departments of the hospitals in strengthening the control of expenditure.
This index provides a list of those items purchased in a hospital, and arranges them under main headings and sub-headings so that expenditure may be accounted for correctly in the uniform system of accounts. For example lamp oil comes under the main heading `domestic' and the sub-heading `fuel and lighting'.