Practical experience gained by those involved in the 16 P.A.C.E. projects and the emerging research evidence about changing clinical practice and developing organisations provide the basis for this report. It draws together the essential attributes of the successful management of implementation initiatives. The experience of the project has confirmed that ...
This report presents the findings of a project that aimed to understand the present state of knowledge of the clinical effectiveness of rehabilitation using the evidence of systematic reviews. Fifty-six systematic reviews covering a variety of disabilities, health problems, diseases and client groups were identified through a literature search. Data ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1996 to 1997. The first part examines the main events of the year in five key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; community care ; public health strategy; serving the consumer; and clinical knowledge. The second part of the work contains ...
This document includes extracts from the progress reports provided by four local projects as background to the discussions at the PACE Project Group meeting on 15 July 1998. The extracts include material to describe 'the lessons and factors for success which have emerged from managing your projects'. The reports included ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1996 to 1997. The first part examines the main events of the year in five key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; community care ; public health strategy; serving the consumer; and clinical knowledge. The second part of the work contains ...
These discussion papers are based on the work of P.A.C.E. up to the time of publication, and have been created to help introduce and stimulate discussions about particular issues. They have also been designed as concise introductions to various elements of initiatives in a way to help promote evidence-based practice.
Since the early 1990s there has been a growing interest in using the results of research to improve health and health services. This work has been taken forward under titles such as evidence-based practice, clinical effectiveness and implementation of research findings. This report explains lessons learned from the King's Fund ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1995 to 1996. The first part examines the main events of the year in five key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; community care ; public health strategy; serving the consumer; and clinical knowledge. The second part of the work contains ...