Organisations such as the National Institute of Clinical Excellence seek to assess the value for money of new health care technologies. Assessment commonly requires the use of thresholds or benchmark levels of cost effectiveness. Key issues that consequently need to be resolved include: the basis on which thresholds should be ...
This book reviews the latest research in the area of podiatric surgery services. It also reports the findings from a study of podiatric surgery services in six English health districts. The two parts of the research complement each other. The first, which contains the results of a comprehensive literature review, ...
This report contains an abbreviated appraisal of the options for future health policy in Guernsey. It is divided into three main sections. The first section makes clear the main objectives that any policy must meet. The second section identifies the key components of alternative reform packages with an assessment of ...
Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that uses tiny quantities of radioactivity to produce diagnostic images. It also has a role in therapy for some thyroid diseases and certain tumours. Surveys have shown that nuclear medicine procedures are used significantly less in the United Kingdom than in many other countries ...
As yet few people working in the health service are aware of the scale of the tidal wave of new medical technology now breaking over the NHS. While these technologies offer startling improvements in medical information and therapeutic technique, they are also costly. What they accomplish for the patient in ...
The conference examined voluntary services in community care and looked at particular types of volunteers, from Voluntary Service Coordinators, patient and hospital friends, to self help groups and patients' associations. The report describes recent innovation in voluntary action in community care and discusses the cost effectiveness of voluntary care.
The boundaries between home and hospital care are constantly shifting. Care in the community for people with long term dependencies, and increasingly sophisticated primary care service and the expansion of outreach care and day surgery have all contributed to a reassessment of the central role of the hospital. This research ...
In late 1981, the DHSS published a study entitled 'Community Care' which examined some important issues in the development of community-based forms of care. The purpose of the study day was to discuss the document and to consider the policy implications for some of the issues it raised. Three themes ...
This is the report of an independent committee, chaired by Lady Margaret McCarthy, which undertook the review at the invitation of the Hospital Caterers' Association and with the support of a grant from the King's Fund. The committee was asked to investigate and report on the perceived needs of patients ...
This publication is a catalogue accompanying an exhibition of hospital catering equipment and supplies. The aim of the exhibition was to show how the drop in the number of hospital staff taking meals and the rise in the cost of these meals per head could be tackled and overcome.
Arthur Andersen and Co. Management Consultants has been involved with a number of research projects designed to measure value for money in health and local authority services. This booklet describes the components which they believe make up a successful joint planning exercise. Its purpose is to present some lessons and ...
Investment in the NHS has increased significantly under the Blair government. Spending will soon reach the EU average, but when we catch up with our European neighbours, what then? Assuming that pressures to spend more will continue, but that marginal health returns on extra investment are likely to diminish, this ...