This working paper says that mental health services have been slower to address inequalities than other health sectors and that this is exacerbating the problem of mental illness in the capital. As a result, services are less likely to be accessible to women from black and minority ethnic groups. The ...
In recent years the NHS has made significant progress in increasing the number of non-executive directors (NEDs) from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities, as part of a wider move to reflect diversity at all levels of NHS organisations. Drawing on the findings of two surveys and interviews with individuals ...
While working as a volunteer at the Latin American Elderly Project, a day centre in Islington, Lucrecia Janowicz recognised that the older members of the project were unable to access the health information that they needed because they didn't speak English. She therefore decided to organise a series of talks ...
This is one of a series of case studies exploring how individuals living in London have used the King's Fund Millennium Awards scheme to make a real difference to the health of others in their communities. While working at a west London community centre, Imo Akpan recognised a reluctance among ...
'Community Development in Health: Addressing the Confusions' was a one-day conference held at the King's Fund Centre on 13 June 1984, organised by the London Community Health Resource and the Community Health Initiatives Resource Unit, in collaboration with the King's Fund. This report is a collection of papers given during ...
The workshop day aimed to bring together people from a wide range of statutory and voluntary agencies in the field of health, social services, and education, with a particular interest on grassroots organisations working in minority ethnic communities. The overall objective was to create an awareness of young Black carers. ...
The publication in 1979 of Asian Patients in Hospital and at Home gave rise to considerable correspondence, and Ms Henley and her colleague, Colette Taylor, have continued to work full time in this area. Other studies in this field have been noted and in many instances provided valuable help. The ...
The main purpose of this information note is to provide, for those concerned with ethnic minorities' health care in London, an up-to-date source document listing local projects and initiatives. Other information has also been included to help the reader: some data on the ethnic composition of London's population; a list ...
The NHS employs 900,000 people in hospitals throughout the United Kingdom. Ethnic minority workers are found throughout the service in considerable numbers, but only limited information is available about their distribution in terms of discipline and grade. In talks with health authority administrators and personnel officers it has been asserted ...
Race and Employment in the NHS is based on a conference organised by the King's Fund and the Polytechnic of the South Bank which examined the practical steps that health authorities and managers should take to ensure equal opportunities for people from ethnic minority groups. This booklet describes ways in ...
This conference report describes the Hackney Multi Ethnic Women's Health Project which has been running successfully for years. The first paper sets out the principles and politics which gave life to the project and have continued to shape it. The second part of the report takes up four themes in ...
The Task Force was established in 1986 to help health authorities to implement equal opportunities policies for all racial groups in the health service. This 'model' policy has been created from a number of policies sent to the Task Force by health authorities, using those sections which seem most suitable ...
This paper explains initially why health authority management should introduce ethnic monitoring systems and deals in later sections with how members and managers should use the data to measure and improve their authority's equal opportunity performance. The bulk of the paper is, however, addressed to personnel and other officers who ...
This report suggests ways in which managers and professionals can make community care more responsive to elderly people. The first part of the report examines ageism and its effects on health care. It describes how elderly people from black and ethnic minority groups are effected by racism. Part Two is ...
This is the story of a King's Fund project and of the attempts of Haringey health authority to improve the services it offers to its multi-racial community. Haringey approached the challenge by appointing an ethnic minorities development officer whose job it was to help develop an equal opportunities policy. The ...
This paper presents the results of a Task Force survey of the health authority members, and the efforts which have been made by the health service to include black and ethnic minority communities in membership. The report includes information about the responsibilities of health authorities, the duties of members, appointment ...
In this document the Task Force give advice for the selection of hospital medical staff which promotes equal opportunities or prevents considerable discrimination against black and ethnic minority doctors.
Following approaches by many people concerned about racial inequality in the nursing profession, this paper documents some of the issues which concern the Task Force. It reaches the conclusion that the service which black and ethnic minority nurses have been under-valued and their talent has been squandered. The paper includes ...
This handbook is a response to the concern about the lack of information on good services for people with learning difficulties from black and ethnic minority communities. Previous discussions and actions in this field have tended to be disjointed and ad hoc. This handbook brings together the limited amount of ...