Every individual's needs are different, but well-planned and good quality services can offer support & `share the care' of people who cannot manage alone at home. This leaflet provides a clear statement of what needs to be done, so that carers - and the people they care for - can ...
This report offers advice to West Lambeth Health Authority on the future of its child and adolescent psychiatric services. In considering services offered by West Lambeth HA, the advisory team had in mind a particular model or standard service for child and adolescent psychiatry which could be applicable to any ...
A summary of Griffiths' proposals for community care looking at the basic ideas behind the report, and drawing out what these could mean for people with disabilities. An optimistic view has been adopted, concentrating on what could be possible if the Griffiths recommendations are implemented in a positive way.
This background paper marks the 40th anniversary of the NHS not so much by celebrating past achievements but by addressing some of the issues which are critical to the establishment of an effective agenda for health in the 1990s and beyond. Areas covered are the health debate including financial reform; ...
This paper is a collection of reports on several sessions held on specific issues and innovative projects. Topics covered include:- Old age - the age of change ; Waterloo Pensioners' Health Group; pensioners' health courses in Barnet ; collaboration in the care of confusion ; neighbours as a resource ; ...
Purchasers are faced with the prospect of collecting a range of information from service users, potential service users and the general public in their area. There are two main areas of collected information which will inform the contracting process : assessing and prioritising health needs; and monitoring current service standards. ...
This pamphlet discusses methods for obtaining users' views, acknowledging that the best approach to adopt will depend upon the types of user involved and the aim of the exercise. It discusses quantitative methods for monitoring or answering `how many?' questions; and qualitative methods for the exploration of issues or answering ...