This book describes the experiences of twenty families who have, living at home, a teenager or young adult with severe learning difficulties who has been classified by professionals as 'severely' or 'profoundly' mentally handicapped, and who also has 'serious behavioural problems'. It documents the lives of these families, and the ...
This report has been prepared to inform the development of the Government's proposed 'Long Term Care Charter'. The findings are based on an analysis of focus group discussions held in three different parts of the country involving service users, carers and front-line staff with experiences of health, housing and social ...
This book is an easy to use handbook and CD to help men and women with learning difficulties have better day opportunities. It is about working with services, families and other supporters to help people to get paid jobs, do courses at college and get certificates, make more friends, have ...
This handbook is a response to the concern about the lack of information on good services for people with learning difficulties from black and ethnic minority communities. Previous discussions and actions in this field have tended to be disjointed and ad hoc. This handbook brings together the limited amount of ...
This discussion paper sets out to describe the way disability-related advertising is currently undertaken. It highlights major issues which arose during wide ranging discussions with advertising practitioners, charity advertisers and people with disabilities. It ends with a series of suggestions to the advertising industry, charities and the King's Fund regarding ...
This publication sets out guidelines for those commissioning health and social services for people with physical and/or sensory impairments between the ages of 16 and 65. It starts by identifying what are the general aims of commissioning activities directed at this group of people before moving on to address the ...
This discussion paper has been developed following a seminar held at the King's Fund in October 1997 when leaders in the field of symbol development and use came together to consider progress in this debate and what the next steps might be. The first section presents an overview of the ...
Two two-day pilot workshops for self-advocates with learning difficulties and for advisors were held. Under the title 'Helping your self-advocacy group to grow', the workshops aimed to help people increase their own skills and those of other members of their group. People attending already had a basic knowledge of self-advocacy ...
This book has been produced to convey the idea that people with learning difficulties are entitled to dignified, homelike surroundings which will give them fuller enjoyment and will also help them to learn how to live. Most of the ideas are not original, but they stem from a general awakening ...
This study day aimed to help parents of mentally handicapped children to look ahead to the position of their children as they reached adulthood and to become better informed about their rights and about the services available to them. Five workshops were held dealing with different aspects: employment and further ...
Under the terms of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, social services departments are required to help with the provision of aids to daily living for disabled persons discharged from hospital, and with adaptations to their homes. The study aims to establish the extent to which social services ...
This workshop was organised jointly by the King's Fund Centre and the Disabled Living Foundation for clothing managers, linen services managers and staff with daily practical responsibility for patients' clothing in long-stay hospitals. Discussion centred around personal choice of clothing; the role of the supplies officer in buying personal clothing; ...
This the report of a one-day seminar, held on 28 November 1988 for those who use services for people with learning difficulties, physical disabilities, or long-term health problems. The aim was to explore ways in which services could make links with each other, perhaps crossing the traditional boundaries between different ...
The aim of this book is to help more people with learning difficulties get involved in evaluating their own services. It has been written for people with learning difficulties and for supporters and staff who work closely with them, and is based on a meeting held at the King's Fund ...
These information sheets will be of use to health service staff or community health councils who wish to find out the views of users with learning difficulties. The purpose of these sheets is: 1)to give useful reading references for this field; 2) to give details of some current major projects; ...
This report explores a number of issues concerning the relationship between education and employment; changing views on employment and work in view of present unemployment trends; integration compared with the use of specialist provision, and special inputs to support integration on ordinary courses. The report includes individual case studies, lists ...
When disabled people take the lead in evaluating community care, they produce valuable insights into service effectiveness and creative suggestions for improving services. Real changes result when community care agencies listen to and act on disabled people's assessment of services on offer. This publication discusses the benefits and practicalities of ...
This document reviews the literature written about the use, provision and design of specialised or adapted clothing for people with physical disabilities. Chapters in the report cover the development of special clothing and adaptions; experiences and experiments in hospitals; experience in various countries; fabrics; laundering and dry cleaning; incontinence.
This study was commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Security and the King's Fund Centre to provide an independent account of alternatives to hospital care for children with learning difficulties who need long-term residential care. The report draws on examples from health and social services authorities and discusses ...
The authors of this paper came together to study the development of comprehensive local residential services for mentally handicapped people. Although government policy had urged a move towards community-based services for mentally handicapped people, the numbers admitted to mental handicap hospitals for long-term care went up during the 1960s and ...
One of the aims of the conference was to discuss the issues raised in the King's Fund Project Paper no. 51 ` Advocacy : the UK and American experiences'. This paper is an account of the conference and includes a list of the participants (including contributors to the project paper), ...
Over the past few years the low take-up of services by black disabled people and their general absence from user involvement initiatives have become a source of concern. Evidence suggests that poor access to information, communication barriers and inappropriate services are all factors preventing black disabled people from having their ...
This booklet does not attempt to provide an exhaustive index of all the best ideas for providing better services for people with learning difficulties. The aim has been to provide a simple narrative describing some of the ideas and practices which have come to the notice of the Hospital Centre ...
Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) have been developed by NHS and local government leaders in 44 parts of England. The plans offer a chance for health and social care leaders to work together to improve care and manage limited resources. But will they succeed where other initiatives have failed? Despite ...
Over the past two or three years, a rapid increase in the number of emergency medical admissions to acute hospitals has been widely reported and a number of studies in different parts of the country have been carried out aimed at explaining why these increases have occurred. In early 1995, ...
This conference was organised in conjunction with the North West Regional Association of Community Health Councils to discuss the proper role of the accident and emergency (A & E) service. Areas under discussion included the centralisation of A & E services in district general hospitals and the role of the ...
In 1992 the King's Fund Commission published a report `London health care 2010 : changing the future of services in the capital'. This report was unable to describe in any detail the actual delivery of acute medical care in London. This required a more indepth study of care based on ...
This book presents the reality of racism in today's NHS. It attempts to tackle the discrimination and injustice some people from minority ethnic groups working in the health service and particularly medicine currently endure. Using a range of anecdotal accounts, historical perspectives and research by contributors from culturally diverse backgrounds, ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care policy issues. It contains a calendar of events from August 2000 to January 2001 and articles on areas of health policy such as: setting targets for health spending; allocating resources to reduce health inequalities; health policy developments in Europe; the politics ...
Based on six King's College London debates, this book explores the moral dilemmas raised by modern medicine. The public debates tackled issues such as health and poverty, bioengineering, euthanasia and mental health. In each of the six topics, two speakers exchanged views and their talks are published in this volume, ...
This inquiry concludes that care and support for older and disabled people could collapse unless the Government allocates at least £700 million extra to social services each year. It shows that Britain's estimated one million care and support workers exist on low pay, with poor training, inadequate support from their ...
Barriers to mainstream health and social care services for London's minority ethnic communities include a complex array of poorly organised and delivered services, inadequate communication services for non-English speaking groups, direct staff insensitivity to users' cultural and religious needs, and institutionalised barriers that perpetuate discriminatory behaviour and poor practices. This ...
This pack is designed to help all those people with an interest in, or responsibility for, the development of evidence based practice in line with the clinical governance agenda. It has been drawn together following three years of working with small multi-professional groups and the content was piloted with the ...
Because the NHS was founded to provide equal access to all on the basis of need rather than the ability to pay, price was eliminated as a method of bringing demand for services into line with supply. This means that the Government has to make decisions about the amount of ...
This publication is a comprehensive review of health care and policy issues. It includes a detailed description of health events in the last twelve months, as well as discussion of key policy issues. Specific areas dealt with in this issue include: influencing the diffusion of new medical technologies; the future ...
This publication consists of the agenda and supporting material produced for this seminar. The items discussed included: good and bad news on Living Options and support services; strengths, weaknesses and gaps in local services; community support systems; implementation challenges; and key provisions of the NHS and Community Care Act.
The NHS (Primary Care) Act 1997 made possible local contracts for general practice services and spawned Personal Medical Services (PMS) pilots. These are intended to make primary care services more sensitive to local needs and are therefore particularly useful in London where long-term infrastructural problems have proved intractable. The King's ...
This book - developed from a systematic review of evidence about the impact of the NHS internal market - asks what lessons can be learned from the internal market reforms, and how this knowledge can be used to aid policy-making in the future. It synthesises all the evidence on the ...
In the 1960s, the King's Fund caused a major stir when it developed a new specification for hospital beds. Manufacturers implemented the specification as the 'King's Fund bed', which was revolutionary in its time and a major step forward in patient care. Today, more than 30 years later, the bed ...
This book is published to mark the 50th anniversary of the NHS. It traces chronologically the major achievements and events in medicine, nursing, hospital development, primary health care and health management. The introductory chapter describes the health services in 1948. The next five chapters each cover a decade, and begin ...
The major part of a patient's last year of life is spent at home where care is mostly carried out by families. A growing elderly population means a patient's needs in the home are likely to increase rather than decrease, creating extra pressures for carers. Schemes to help people save ...
This book explains the events leading up to the BSE crisis. The story begins in the mid-eighties when the first cases of the disease were reported in cattle and ends a decade later with the first cases of the new CJD, the EU ban on British beef exports and the ...
The object of this time-table is to provide information which will help to prevent the waiting, with possible resulting hardship, which occurs when patients attend hospital out-patient departments at the wrong hour or even the wrong day.