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Home-bound : crisis in the care of young people with severe learning difficulties : a story of twenty families
1 of 100
A new era for community care? : what people want from health, housing and social care services
2 of 100
Changing our days : finding ways to get what you want from life : handbook and audio CD for people with learning difficulties
3 of 100
Double discrimination : issues and services for people with learning difficulties from black and ethnic minority communities
4 of 100
They aren't in the brief : advertising people with disabilities
5 of 100
The power to change : commissioning health and social services with disabled people
6 of 100
Symbols in practice : a discussion paper about the use of symbols for communication by people with learning difficulties.
7 of 100
Self-advocacy skills training : report of two workshops held between April and September 1987
8 of 100
Room for improvement : a better environment for the mentally handicapped
9 of 100
Rights of mentally handicapped people and their families : a report of a study day held at the King's Fund Centre on 29 October 1979 under the auspices of Parents for Children and the King's Fund Centre
10 of 100
Provision of aids and adaptations for hospital patients discharged into their own home
11 of 100
Personal choice of clothing by the long stay patient : a report of a study day held at the King's Fund Centre on 24 October 1979
12 of 100
Making our voice heard : strengthening alliances between people who use services : report of a one-day seminar for those who use services for people with learning difficulties, physical disabilities or long-term mental health problems, 28 November 1988
13 of 100
Looking at our services : service evaluation by people with learning difficulties : a book for people with learning difficulties and their supporters who want to get involved in evaluating services
14 of 100
Information on obtaining the views of users with learning difficulties
15 of 100
Further education for handicapped school leavers : report of three study days held at the King's Fund Centre, September-November 1980
16 of 100
Evaluating community care : a guide to evaluations led by disabled people
17 of 100
Enabling people with intellectual disabilities to lead fuller lives : comparing national strategies for reform
18 of 100
Clothing for the handicapped and disabled in hospital or in the community : a review of world literature 1937-1970 prepared for King Edward's Hospital Fund for London
19 of 100
Bringing mentally handicapped children out of hospital
20 of 100
An ordinary life : comprehensive locally-based residential services for mentally handicapped people
21 of 100
Advocacy and people with long-term disabilities: a report of a conference held at the King's Fund Centre on 6 December 1984
22 of 100
Beyond samosas and reggae : a guide to developing services for black disabled people
23 of 100
Learning to live : the mentally handicapped and their needs : a King's Fund Hospital Centre exhibition handbook
24 of 100
Staff colleges year book 1960
25 of 100
Sustainability and Transformation Plans in the NHS : how are they being developed in practice?
26 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1973.
27 of 100
Analysing changes in emergency medical admissions : a report by the NHS Trust Federation in collaboration with the King's Fund
28 of 100
Accident and emergency services : use, abuse and misuse : a report of a conference held at the King's Fund Centre on 3 April 1979
29 of 100
Five essays on emergency pathways : a study of acute admissions to London hospitals
30 of 100
Racism in medicine : an agenda for change
31 of 100
Health care UK : the King's Fund review of health policy
32 of 100
Medicine and humanity
33 of 100
Future imperfect : report of the King's Fund Care and Support Inquiry
34 of 100
Health advocacy for minority ethnic Londoners : putting services on the map?
35 of 100
Cascading evidence into practice : a teaching resource pack for healthcare professionals and their educators, bridging the gap between evidence based practice, routes to implementation and managing change for effective practice as required by clinical governance
36 of 100
The NHS : facing the future
37 of 100
Health care UK 1999/2000 : the King's Fund review of health policy
38 of 100
Implementing the NHS and Community Care Act : opportunities and pitfalls : policy seminar
39 of 100
Making a difference together : reflections of the King's Fund as a Health Sector Development Agency
40 of 100
Personal medical services pilots in London : rewriting the Red Book
41 of 100
Learning from the NHS internal market : a review of the evidence
42 of 100
Choosing health care beds for use at home : a guide for users and professionals
43 of 100
From cradle to grave : fifty years of the NHS
44 of 100
The specialty reviews : an overview : final draft
45 of 100
The work of volunteers in home care services for terminally ill people
46 of 100
An unplayable hand? : BSE, CJD and British government
47 of 100
Local involvement in health care
48 of 100
Pensions for hospital officers and nurses : opinions and suggestions from hospitals on the draft scheme.
49 of 100
Out-patient time-table at London voluntary hospitals within 11 miles of St. Paul's : May 1938.
50 of 100
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of sixty-four convalescent homes for their respective financial years ending in 1949 or in 1950
51 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1974.
52 of 100
Hospital personal aid service for the elderly : report to 31st December, 1959.
53 of 100
Convalescent homes conference, 1962
54 of 100
Hospital personal aid service for the elderly : report to 31st December, 1958.
55 of 100
Health and welfare of the elderly
56 of 100
Blood cholesterol and coronary heart disease : some preliminary questions and answers.
57 of 100
Directory of convalescent homes serving Greater London : 1983
58 of 100
Time table of out patient clinics at hospitals in the Greater London area : January 1963.
59 of 100
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of sixty-five convalescent homes for their respective financial years ending in 1950 or in 1951
60 of 100
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of sixty-four convalescent homes for the year 1949
61 of 100
Staff college for matrons and prospective matrons
62 of 100
Directory of convalescent homes serving Greater London 1974
63 of 100
Structure and policy in the NHS : the case of the community health services.
64 of 100
Carers Impact project in Co Durham : where have we got to? : final report based on a workshop held on 13 October to evaluate the Carers Impact Project in Co Durham.
65 of 100
A directory for Greater London of places that offer convalescence, rehabilitation and other short term care and have been visited by representatives of the Fund during the last two years : 1985 edition.
66 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1964.
67 of 100
Staff college for matrons
68 of 100
Membership of courses
69 of 100
Out-patient time-table at London voluntary hospitals within 11 miles of St. Paul's : November 1938.
70 of 100
Resolutions passed by the President and General Council on January 26th 1921 on the subject of the policy to be recommended for the preservation of the voluntary system of hospital management and control
71 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1961.
72 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1971.
73 of 100
Pensions for hospital officers and nurses : outlines of scheme as approved by the King's Fund for the purpose of special grants in aid.
74 of 100
Invitation to initiative : report of a working party on the education and training of senior managers in the National Health Service.
75 of 100
Nursing in a post Griffiths world : a study in five English health districts.
76 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1953.
77 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1962.
78 of 100
Staff college and Division of nursing : staff college
79 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1972.
80 of 100
Geographical variations in the use of health services : a review of the literature.
81 of 100
Pay beds at voluntary hospitals in London 1939
82 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1970.
83 of 100
Tackling health care problems in London : the contribution of social anthropology : a report of a workshop held at The King's Fund Centre on 26th November 1981.
84 of 100
Memorandum relating to a draft scheme of pensions for hospital officers and nurses
85 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1958.
86 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1957.
87 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1960.
88 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1969.
89 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1967.
90 of 100
Out-patient time-table at London voluntary hospitals within 11 miles of St. Paul's : May 1936.
91 of 100
British Health Centres Directory 1973
92 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1954.
93 of 100
Hospital personal aid service for the elderly : report to 31st December, 1955.
94 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1955.
95 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1965.
96 of 100
Out-patient time-table at London voluntary hospitals within 11 miles of St. Paul's : November 1935.
97 of 100
Directory of convalescent homes serving Greater London 1964
98 of 100
Emergency bed service : report for the year ended 31st March, 1956.
99 of 100
Out-patient time-table at London voluntary hospitals within 11 miles of St. Paul's : November 1936.
100 of 100