This book is an easy to use handbook and CD to help men and women with learning difficulties have better day opportunities. It is about working with services, families and other supporters to help people to get paid jobs, do courses at college and get certificates, make more friends, have ...
This book is designed as a series of personal reflections on three pilot citizens' juries in health authorities around the country. The first chapter consists of a historical perspective on the contribution that citizens' juries may make to democratic practice. It concludes that a clear understanding of the objectives of ...
This second study from the Changing Days project is a practical guide on how best to achieve the integration of adults with learning difficulties into the community. It builds on the vision set out in the first book, Changing Days, and reflects the experience of working in five sites around ...
This bulletin gives a brief progress report on the work of Changing Days. Much of its contents will be written up in more detail in a book to be launched in 1998.
This book is a practical guide that examines how to move away from segregated services for people with learning difficulties to a service based on individual needs. It outlines the progress of the Changing Days project, a partnership between the King's Fund and the National Development Team, which was launched ...
This report gives details of a new audit and action planning programme which has been designed to assist statutory authorities who wish to take stock of their current direction in developing support for carers, ensure that the needs of carers from all communities are being addressed, review local implementation of ...
This publication is intended to offer practical assistance to mental health service managers who want to initiate or develop user involvement. Its aims are: to draw on the experiences of managers, staff and users; to identify problems and offer solutions and ideas based on those experiences; and to identify ways ...
This document bases its discussions on user participation on the experience gained from two and a half years' practical work between Living Options In Practice and eight multi-agency Practice Teams throughout England, which worked to create comprehensive disability service systems. The following elements are discussed in the context of the ...
The information exchange is produced particularly for supporters and advisors of self-advocacy groups and people with responsibility for developing effective ways of working in partnership with users in planning and delivering services. This issue looks at involving service users in the planning and development of services and complaints procedures.
These seven papers detail key lessons from the work of the King's Fund College, which since 1983 has been mounting a programme of educational and field development activities designed to assist networks of local people in addressing the challenges involved in managing psychiatric services in transition. The papers suggest a ...