The chief purpose of the visit to Stockholm was to study the functions of the Swedish Central Board of Hospital Planning and the Purchasing Centre of the Swedish County councils, and also to see some of the more recently built hospitals in the country. The chief purpose of the visit ...
This booklet contains the papers given at the third building conference arranged by the King's Fund. Each paper given at the Conference is followed by notes of the discussions which took place. The objectives of the Conference were: to learn from each other's experience; to appreciate other's points of view, ...
The topics discussed in this document are all broadly concerned with management in medicine. They include the need to plan and to evaluate the aims and achievements of the health service, consideration of problems involved, and discussion of some techniques and recent developments.
This report looks at proven catering service systems, primarily distribution systems based on conventional cooking, although reference is also made to frozen and chilled meals. Three systems are considered to provide a good standard of feeding if correctly operated and well managed: central tray service; central plate service; and peripheral ...
This report attempts to correlate therapeutic principles of the treatment of alcoholism with the planning and design of new facilities. Two existing treatment facilities are looked at in depth, Warlingham Park Hospital, Surrey and Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Scotland.
This publication contains reports on a series of five conferences held at the King's Fund Centre between September 1972 and January 1973 on the subject of psychogeriatric services. The reports are entitled: 1) planning services for the elderly; 2) priorities for psychogeriatric care; 3) organisation of psychogeriatric care; 4) care ...
This workshop was held to discover and discuss the extent and range of service planning work currently being undertaken by various disciplines in the NHS. Group discussion examined ideas for future development of the role of each discipline in relation to planning in the service, and considered the educational implications ...
The purpose of this conference was to provide an opportunity for those with service planning responsibilities to learn about some current studies and to assess the potential contribution of operational research to the planning process. It was organised in conjunction with the Health and Welfare Services Study Group of the ...
This seminar had been arranged with a view to discussing the importance of taking capital costs into account in a specialty budgeting system, and if their inclusion was thought necessary, to consider how such costs should be represented. This topic appeared to have been given little consideration previously and therefore ...
The King's Fund organised this conference because of its interest in and concern about the relationships between "epidemiology" and developments in service planning in the NHS. The number of applications to attend the conference indicated this interest was widely shared. To many, epidemiology and service planning appear to proceed in ...
This conference was organised by the King's Fund to provide a forum for discussion about the implications for service planning in the National Health Service of the proposals outlined in the DHSS consultative paper HN(81)4. The topic was discussed under the following headings: new policies: old problems; health service planning ...
Epidemiology and policies for health planning is a guide to health planning according to need. It describes the health measures and sources of data available in England and sets out in detail the patterns of health and disease of different health care groups in the population, and what opportunities there ...
This is a review of recent British initiatives based upon the principles of "An ordinary life", for both children and adults with learning difficulties. Key issues discussed include establishing commitment to basic principles, planning comprehensive services, acquiring appropriate housing, financing and staffing the residential service, operational policies and management, staff ...
Planners face a series of dilemmas and choices involving the centralisation of widespread distribution of services, the balance of specialist and generalist, the training needs of professionals and the welfare of families. These papers were given at the first NAWCH conference on planning children's services and hope to provide a ...
This is the third paper by the authors on managing the relocation of psychiatric services from large institutions to new patterns of local provision. It offers a summary of their current thinking about the characteristics of an assessment and resettlement model which would be compatible with the wider planning issues ...
This conference was organised by the London Strategic Policy Unit and held on 8 April 1987. Workers from health services, local authorities and voluntary bodies met to exchange ideas and compare experience of providing services for A.I.D.S. patients. A paper was presented by the director of supportive housing from the ...
This volume describes in detail the organisation of resources and the distribution of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and others working in geriatric units. It also examines and compares different styles of geriatric practice. The authors argue that planning should be done on a national basis. They include suggestions for ...
This document describes the planning process by which Newham Health Authority reorganised their child health services from a centralised to a locally administered service. Those responsible for managing the changes have identified the elements of the planning process which they think were significant in enabling the relatively smooth introduction of ...