This pamphlet describes three aspects of primary health care which were commonly referred to in the evidence to the Royal Commission. The first gives an outline of the current position of deputising services and examines issues of debate. The appendix gives details of the location and ownership of deputising services. ...
This workshop arose from a meeting at the DHSS stimulated by Dr. Peter Pritchard in July 1980 between officers of the DHSS who were interested and involved in management and general practice, the King's Fund and Dr. Pritchard. The aim of the workshop was to identify some of those who ...
The conference sought to discuss, in the broadest terms, what the definition, function, purpose and relationship of primary health care should be in the future. The conference was held within the context of 'Health for All by the Year 2000' as resolved by the World Health Assembly in 1977. One ...
This response to the Green Paper `Primary health care : an agenda for action' steers a middle course between `alternative' green papers and detailed comments on the few firm proposals. The structure of the response follows that of the six objectives outlined in the Green Paper: 1) raising standards of ...
The publication of "Primary health care: an agenda for discussion" was welcomed by the London Project Executive Committee of the King's Fund as an opportunity to contribute to the debate on the future of primary health care. In order to prepare a response which would contain practical recommendations for improving ...
This book aims to provide an account of the range of work carried out by the Family Practitioner Committees, the bodies responsible, in England and Wales, for administering the contracts of general practitioners, dentists, opticians and pharmacists. This is the first comprehensive study of FPCs. It analyses the political environment ...
In January 1980 the Conservative Government appointed a study group under Sir Donald Acheson to produce ambitious proposals for rapid and effective action on primary care in London. This report examines how and why the study group was established, the issues it confronted, the route by which it reached its ...
Increasing interest in the quality of health services and the appointment of officers with designated local responsibilities has generated an urgent demand for ideas on implementing quality assurance, especially from district officers. This collection is one individual's view of relevant literature and activity. It reflects the initial emphasis of the ...
In this publication the author states:- A new approach is needed for agenda-setting in primary health care. It should draw on the public health and participatory model espoused by W.H.O.; build on the experiences of local projects and initiatives, and seek to create planning and management structures which achieve change ...