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Statistical reports and order of cost, 1932-1936
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of seventy-two independ...
Report on a visit to Sweden and Denmark
Visit of Charing Cross delegation to European hospitals
Report of the committee appointed to enquire into the financial relations between hosp...
The uniform system of hospital accounts
[Statistical reports on the ordinary expenditure of London hospitals for the years 190...
The uniform system of hospital accounts as revised and adopted by King Edward's Ho...
[Statistical reports on the ordinary expenditure of London hospitals for the years 190...
Pensions for hospital officers and staffs : report of a sub-committee of the executive...
[Statistical reports on the ordinary expenditure of London hospitals for the years 191...
Fire precautions at hospitals : memorandum prepared by the Management Committee for th...
Revised uniform system of hospital accounts
[Statistical reports on the ordinary expenditure of London hospitals for the years 192...
Accounts for small hospitals based on the revised uniform system of hospital accounts
Supplement to appendix 2 of report of pay beds committee
[Statistical reports on the income and expenditure for London hospitals for the years ...
King's Fund miniature hospital : exhibition at the Building Centre
The King's Fund miniature hospital
Why a modern hospital costs so much
[Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of London hospitals fo...
Memorandum on hospital diet for consideration by hospitals
Some aspects of the post-war hospital problems in London and the Home Counties
Submission of schemes of extension, reconstruction, etc. : revised circular.
Fire precautions : memorandum for the guidance of hospitals
Food bulletin, May 1946
Recommendations on the employment of domestic staff in hospitals
[Statistical summary of the income, expenditure and work of London hospitals for the y...
Food bulletin, August 1946 (revised October, 1948)
Food bulletin, December 1948
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of one hundred and fift...
A report prepared for the Fund by Sir Harold Claughton, C.B.E. on the work of hospital...
A brief review of some of the hospital problems common to Great Britain and America : ...
Key to map showing hospitals and convalescent homes within the Metropolitan Police Dis...
Some observations on the administration of hospital management groups
A report by Mr. S. W. Barnes, House Governor of King's College Hospital, after vis...
Cost of provisions
Key to map showing hospitals and convalescent homes within the North East and the Nort...
Key to map showing hospitals and convalescent homes within the South East and the Sout...
School of hospital catering
Sources of waste in catering
Report on costing investigation for the Ministry of Health
Sources of waste in catering
Hospital bed occupancy : a report of the first study group set up by the Administrativ...
Key to map showing hospitals and convalescent homes within the Metropolitan Police Dis...
Memorandum on special diets
Report of the sub-committee on mental and mental deficiency hospitals in the London area
Report by Mr F. D. Bushell on his visits to twenty five hospitals in the United States...
Noise control in hospitals : a report of an enquiry
Hospital library services : a pilot survey
Visit to the USA and Canada with Mr R. A. Micklewright : April 7th to May 15th 1959
Manual for members of hospital management committees and house committees when visitin...
Noise control in hospitals : report of a follow-up enquiry
Hospital study tour - Canada and U.S.A. 31st August to 30th September, 1960
A tour of hospitals in the USA and Canada
Report on a tour of some American hospitals to the Chairman and governors of Guy's...
Report on planning of North American hospitals
European conference to consider the hospitals services, their organisation and scope w...
Crockery washing : incorporating detergent dispensers
An evaluation of New Guy's House carried out at the request of the board of govern...
Report by Mr O R Cross, Deputy Administrator and Secretary of University College Hospi...
Report on the recruitment of school leavers into administrative posts and their deploy...
The hospital services of Western Europe : report of the Western Europe Conference, Nov...
Hospital disposables : final report on the effects of using disposable goods on a larg...
The hospital services of Western Europe : report of the second Western European confer...
Catering operational policy prepared by the Catering Advisory Service as a guide in th...
Central vacuum cleaning systems : an enquiry into the advantages and disadvantages of ...
The Ganymede tray service in hospital : a joint report
The hospital services of Europe : report of the third European conference, October, 1966
Memorandum on nursing establishments : report of a Joint Working Party of the Royal Co...
Crockery washing
Glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in hospital planning : specimen sec...
Landscape architecture for new hospitals
Assessment of the peripheral finishing kitchen, St. James' Hospital, Balham
Improving the effectiveness of hospitals and services for the mentally ill and mentall...
Organisers of voluntary services in hospitals : a survey of the use of paid organisers...
Drugs in small hospitals : report on a survey on the prescribing, distribution and adm...
Patients and their hospitals : a survey of patients' views of life in general hosp...
Productivity and training : a review of an urgent problem
Interim report prepared for the King's Fund on the frozen meals experiment at Dare...
Jobs for volunteers
Clothing for the handicapped and disabled in hospital or in the community : a review o...
Report on cost of the catering service in small hospitals...prepared for West Cornwall...
Report on provisions costs at the Hammersmith Hospital, prepared for the Board of Gove...
St. Helier Hospital : centralisation of staff dining services
Care for the elderly : a collection of reports on a series of twelve conferences held ...
Patients' satisfaction study (general hospitals) : instructions
Voluntary help in the care of the elderly
Volunteers in hospitals : a guide for organisers
Hospital research and briefing problems : a report on the research and briefing method...
Hospital house journals : list of hospital house journals, bulletins, newsletters publ...
Pupils and patients : guidelines for the organisation of hospital based social educati...
Voluntary help organisers in hospitals
Reducing the odds : selection methods for senior posts in the hospital service
The West Cornwall system for the control of drugs in small hospitals : a report on the...
An experiment in mechanical potwashing of Botley's Park Hospital
Report on communications and relationships between general practitioners and hospital ...
Admission of patients to hospital
Patients and their hospitals : a survey of patients' views of life in general hosp...
Caring for children in hospital : some thoughts and suggestions from those living and ...
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An ordinary life: exploring The King's Fund's work on services for disabled people