This document divides into three distinct sections. The first considers improvements in the Statistical Returns prepared by King Edward's Hospital Fund for London in order to facilitate a truer comparison between the expenditure of different hospitals. The second part presents tables which should be used for statistical returns, including the ...
This document divides into three distinct sections. The first considers improvements in the statistical returns prepared by King Edward's Hospital Fund for London in order to facilitate a truer comparison between the expenditure of different hospitals. The second part presents tables which should be used for statistical returns, including the ...
The memorandum discusses methods by which individual hospitals may prepare records of quantities of items consumed (for example gas, soap, food), and may use them for the purpose of securing the co-operation of the various departments of the hospitals in strengthening the control of expenditure.
This index provides a list of those items purchased in a hospital, and arranges them under main headings and sub-headings so that expenditure may be accounted for correctly in the uniform system of accounts. For example lamp oil comes under the main heading `domestic' and the sub-heading `fuel and lighting'.
This document, presented in tabular form, is a summary of the published accounts of London hospitals and serves to provide each hospital with the figures of other hospitals as an aid to financial control.
This book questions how much the public really knows and cares about the standard of care and about the priorities for expenditure on and within the health and social services; how well informed are people (including health services staff) about the facts and figures of these services and about the ...
This Review is based on the financial year 1995 to 1996. The first part examines the main events of the year in five key policy areas: creating the new NHS ; community care ; public health strategy; serving the consumer; and clinical knowledge. The second part of the work contains ...
The King's Fund has analysed 142 local authority plans to use the Carers Special Grant to gain insight into implementation of national policy on carers. For the first time, Government ring-fenced funding to enable carers to take a break from caring as part of its overall strategy to support carers, ...
In 2002, the King's Fund commissioned a major inquiry into the state of the capital's mental health and mental health services and how far they meet the needs of service users. The inquiry set out to: investigate whether mental health care had improved in the capital since the King's Fund ...