After 19 years it is clear that the foundations of the NHS are sound, but there is still much readjustment to be achieved within the general plan. It has become increasingly clear that somehow much better cooperation must be achieved if the main divisions of the NHS, hospitals, public health ...
This book is about two themes. The first is the improvement of the co-ordination of services to people with learning difficulties. The second is a description of how the first theme was pursued, by methods of study and discussion characterised, as far as possible, by the direct, active and personal ...
Parents and professionals have a common objective, in the pursuit of which each brings differing skills and activities; their joint aim is to aid the development children with learning difficulties, and to enable that child to lead as good a quality of life as possible. the primary task falls to ...
Increasing expectations of social service departments and the need for social work to establish itself as a new and independent profession has led to friction within the NHS. Although the NHS is not the largest customer for social service departments, many patients and clients are the same people. Services have ...
The original idea for this meeting between FPCs and CHCs at a national level, came form a DHSS seminar in Harrogate for chairmen and administrators of FPCs. The conference was organised jointly by the Society of FPCs, the Association of CHCs of England and Wales and the King's Fund. Speakers ...
Family practitioner committees (FPCs) attained independent status on 1 April 1985, and became directly accountable to the Secretary of State. The Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS) issued operational requirements, procedures and guidelines for 1985-86 in circular HC(FP)(85)10; this included the requirement to submit to the DHSS an annual ...
Family Practitioner Committees are required to provide statistics and returns to the DHSS. Among these returns are the annual programmes which form the basis of this study and which combine with five yearly profile and strategy statements , annual scrutinies and periodic performance reviews to fulfil FPCs' responsibility for accountability. ...
This document looks at collaboration in mental health services between service providers and service users, although much will be of interest to all groups involved in collaborative ventures. There are two components in the process of collaboration: firstly, users need to work together to find a collective voice; and secondly, ...
This the report of a one-day seminar, held on 28 November 1988 for those who use services for people with learning difficulties, physical disabilities, or long-term health problems. The aim was to explore ways in which services could make links with each other, perhaps crossing the traditional boundaries between different ...
This report is based on a conference which aimed to make health services more user-friendly. The purpose of the conference was to learn from initiatives across the public sector and to learn about the practicalities as well as the politics of making public services more responsive to the people who ...