This new edition of the Health Quality Service accreditation programme has been extensively revised and updated to reflect government health policy and guidance in the various parts of the United Kingdom as well as taking account of changes and developments in quality assurance and improvement programmes nationally and internationally. These ...
This is a report of a survey undertaken on behalf of the King's Fund London Commission. It provides an overview of the current configuration of acute hospital services in London, and consists of a description of the method and data sources used for the survey, a profile of acute services ...
The National Health Service in London faces profound challenges. Currently, services are under intense strain. Access to appropriate care for Londoners is jeopardised, and public confidence has declined. In inner London, in particular, there are high levels of deprivation and growing health inequalities. While some of the country's leading hospitals ...
The National Health Service in London faces profound challenges. Currently, services are under intense strain. Access to appropriate care for Londoners is jeopardised, and public confidence has declined. In inner London, in particular, there are high levels of deprivation and growing health inequalities. While some of the country's leading hospitals ...
The publication of this manual of organisational standards is a major milestone for King's Fund Organisational Audit (KFOA) in that it brings together standards for acute hospitals, and the newly developed standards for community, learning disabilities and mental health services. This reflects the changing nature of health care organisations and ...
The object of this study was to collect information which embraced the richness and complexity of people's views on London's health care services to contribute to the King's Fund's work on London's acute services. This report provides a detailed picture of the ways in which respondents would like to see ...
In 1992 the King's Fund Commission published a report `London health care 2010 : changing the future of services in the capital'. This report was unable to describe in any detail the actual delivery of acute medical care in London. This required a more indepth study of care based on ...
This paper is based on a speech delivered at the 1993 annual meeting of the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts. The author considers how a policy initiative should call for a shift in the balance of services from the hospital to the community by: a shift in the ...
This working paper is based on the assumption that change in the direction of primary health care is desirable and inevitable. It explores the interface between acute hospitals and primary care, and describes developments that improve integration and show how a shift towards primary care might be achieved. It goes ...
The impetus for this publication came from a seminar which was set up on behalf of the NHS Management Executive to investigate the lessons learned for the development of integrated purchasing from the Localities Project. Purchasing patient-centred health (and social) care requires deliberate focus on the patient through: patient centred ...
This working paper argues that the development of acute services should be a managed process, one in which they are positively reshaped and not just one in which development is coped with in isolation. The paper highlights some of the technological developments which have recently taken place, and those which ...
This working paper examines the London labour market for health care staff. The study was conducted against the background of the early implementation of the National Health Service and Community Care Act and focuses on labour supply and on the extent to which planned or predicted changes in the profile ...
This working paper is based on the assumption that change in the direction of primary health care is desirable and inevitable. It explores the interface between acute hospitals and primary care, and describes developments that improve integration and show how a shift towards primary care might be achieved. It goes ...
It is widely believed that homeless people place considerable demands on emergency hospital services, but quantifying this in a systematic way has proved difficult. The primary purpose of this paper is to develop a better empirical understanding of the nature and extent of unplanned admissions to acute hospitals in London ...
This publication gives the participants, programme and notes for this event. It looks at four different scenarios for London in 2010, and the effects on health care of each.
The four essays in this volume offer some insights into the following issues: clinical directors, from the view point of a clinician and a manager; USA experience of physician as managers in hospitals and the implementation of such a system; an assessment of the options for the NHS with doctors ...
The development of multidisciplinary working in the administrative and clinical settings received much comment in the evidence at the Royal Commission. The first paper here is a summary of the issues involved. The second, by Professor Ivor Batchelor, a member of the Commission and Professor of Psychiatry, details experience of ...