Investment in the NHS has increased significantly under the Blair government. Spending will soon reach the EU average, but when we catch up with our European neighbours, what then? Assuming that pressures to spend more will continue, but that marginal health returns on extra investment are likely to diminish, this ...
Working group included Keith Palmer and Rebecca Rosen of the King's Fund. and Recent changes in the NHS have triggered significant expansion in the involvement of independent and voluntary sectors in the delivery of services. How can this involvement be developed to ensure quality of care for patients and to enrich choice? This question was addressed by a small independent working group, commissioned ...
This paper is a response by the King's Fund to the report prepared by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, Sir Liam Donaldson, on medical regulation, entitled Good Doctors, Safer Patients, and the Department of Health's review on the regulation of non-medical health care professions.